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X-Hacker.org- TSDWIN: Clipper 5.0 Interface Library - Norton Guide
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twMenuInit( nMsgType, nRow, nCol, cColor, lHRetain )
The TSDWIN menu system may be initialized in a number of ways.
Three message systems are currently supported:
Normal Clipper messages on the screen line defined by SET
TSDWIN multi-line messages displayed beginning at a screen row
and column of your choice and in a colour of your choice.
Embedded highlight colours may be inserted into the messages.
TSDWIN single-line messages displayed beginning at a screen row
and column of your choice and in a colour of your choice.
Embedded highlight colours may be inserted into the messages.
You may choose to have the menu highlight in the choice box retain
its highlight on exit or not.
nMsgType - 'N' 1 - Normal Clipper messages.
2 - TSDWIN multi-line messages.
3 - TSDWIN single-line messages.
nRow - 'N' Screen row where TSDWIN messages are to start.
nCol - 'N' Screen column where TSDWIN messages are to start.
cColor - 'C' Optional message colour. This should be expressed
as a two element comma-delimited string if you use
embedded colours. The default is the current menu
lHRetain - 'L' Logical to indicate whether or not the menu
highlight is to be retained on exit. The default is
twMenuInit( 2, twRow( 3 ), twCol( 43 ), "bg+/b,rb+/b" )
Sets the TSDWIN menu messaging system to multi-line with display
beginning at window row 3 and window column 43. If the message for
a given prompt is:
{ "Help is .always. close", "with .TSDWIN." }
a two line message will be displayed in bg+/b with the portions
enclosed with .. displayed in rb+/b.
See Also: twMenuTo()
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