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 twInfoLine( Wait, InMsg, cJustify, nLine )
     Display an informative message on the screen row reserved for area
     messages with various exit modes. Portions of the string enclosed
     in (..) (CHR(174) and CHR(175) ) will be displayed in the enhanced
     colour, the remainder in the standard colour.  The '..' DO NOT add
     to the length of the string!


     Wait   - 'N'  0 - Wait for a key press then restore the underlying

                   -1 - Leave the message on the screen and free the
                        stack allocation space.

                   -2 - Leave the message on the screen but keep it on
                        the stack to be released later with

                    n - Wait 'n' seconds or until a key is pressed,
                        then restore the underlying screen.

                    Wait defaults to 0.

     InMsg    - 'C' String to be displayed. The string may use two
                    colour attributes. ( See cJustify ) The string will
                    be truncated to fit on the screen.

     cJustify - 'C' "R" - Right Justify the string.

                    "C" - Center Justify the string.

                    "L" - Left Justify the string.

                    "P" - Left justify the string.  This is a
                          compatibility function for old versions of
                          TSDWIN and will not be supported in the next


     The exit key or 0.


     twInfoLine( -2, "Press .ESC. to Exit" )

     'ESC' is displayed in the enhanced colour, the rest in the
     standard colour.

See Also: twAMsgInit() twWarnLine()

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