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X-Hacker.org- Tom Rettigs Library - expand(<c string> [,<n spaces>])
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EXPAND(<C string> [,<N spaces>])
Displays a string across an entire area that is wider than the string.
Returns <expC> <string> with <spaces> between each character.
<spaces> are the number of spaces to insert between characters in <string>.
The default is 1 space if not otherwise specified.
A new word is considered to begin when an alpha character follows
either a space or hyphen.
EXPAND("Tom Rettig's Library") && default 1 space
returns "T o m R e t t i g ' s L i b r a r y"
EXPAND("Library", 4)
returns "L i b r a r y"
Although there is no fixed limit on the number of spaces you
can specify, there must be enough memory available to hold the
entire return string with the spaces inserted.
Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.
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