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 ATYPE(<C array name>[[<N element number>]])
 Distinguishes arrays from memvars, and determines type of an array element.
 Returns <expC> uppercase letter indicating data type.

 Type              Returns
 -------------     -------------------------------------------
 Array             A
 Block             B (5.0 and later)
 Character         C
 Date              D
 Logical           L
 Numeric           N
 Object            O (5.0 and later)
 Uninitialized     U (NIL, local, and static in 5.0 and later)

 * Assume an existing array with 100 mixed data elements
 elements = 100

 * Declare new arrays to hold two individual data types
 DECLARE char_array[ elements ], num_array[ elements ]

 STORE 1 TO char_index, num_index
 FOR old_index = 1 to elements
       CASE ATYPE( old_array[old_index] ) = "C"
          char_array[char_index] = old_array[old_index]
          char_index = char_index + 1
       CASE ATYPE( old_array[old_index] ) = "N"
          num_array[num_index] = old_array[old_index]
          num_index = num_index + 1

 * Evaluate how many array elements were initialized
 char_index = 1
 DO WHILE ATYPE( char_array[char_index] ) # "U"
    char_index = char_index + 1

             Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.

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