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X-Hacker.org- Tom Rettigs Library - weekdays(<d date>, <n days>)
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WEEKDAYS(<D date>, <N days>)
Adds or subtracts non-weekend days to or from dates.
Returns <expD> of <date> plus or minus <days> not counting weekends.
<days> is the number of non-weekend days to add or subtract.
* Add 60 "working days" to current date
new_date = WEEKDAYS( DATE(), 60 )
* Subtract 60 "working days" from current date
new_date = WEEKDAYS( DATE(), -60 )
Does not take holidays that fall during the week into consideration.
To calculate the number of holidays between two dates, you can set
up a database file with one date field and enter a record for each
holiday that does not occur on a week end.
USE Holidays
COUNT FOR Holidate >= startdate .AND. Holidate <= enddate TO h_count
days = days - h_count
USE && close files when no longer needed
Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.
See Also: INWKDAYS()
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