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 Introduction Print Server Access
 NNETPSACC()  Determines the access rights to a print server
 NNETPSADDQ() Adds a queue to a print server printer
 NNETPSAJOB() Aborts the print job that is currently being printed
 NNETPSANO()  Defines an object that is notified for the print server printer
 NNETPSARP()  Determines the available remote printers of a print server
 NNETPSCAND() Cancels the down request of a print server
 NNETPSCHGQ() Changes the queue priority
 NNETPSCNO()  Changes the settings for the object that is notified
 NNETPSDELQ() Deletes queue access for a print server printer
 NNETPSDNO()  Deletes an object that is notified for a print server printer
 NNETPSDOWN() Deinitializes a print server
 NNETPSERR()  Determines the error code of the most recent print server call
 NNETPSFF()   Initializes a form feed on the print server printer
 NNETPSJBYT() Determines number of bytes already printed for an active job
 NNETPSJDSC() Determines the description of the active job
 NNETPSJFRM() Determines the form number for the active job
 NNETPSJFS()  Determines the file server of the active job
 NNETPSJNO()  Determines the number of an active job
 NNETPSJPCO() Determines the number of copies printed for the active job
 NNETPSJQ()   Determines the queue of the active job
 NNETPSJSIZ() Determines the size of an active job
 NNETPSJTCO() Determines the total number of copies for an active job
 NNETPSJTXT() Checks to see if an active job is a text job
 NNETPSLIN()  Logs in a print server to a file server
 NNETPSLOUT() Logs out a print server from a file server
 NNETPSMTOF() Marks the top of the page on the print server printer
 NNETPSNMOD() Determines the number of queue service modes
 NNETPSNOTL() Determines list of notified objects for print server printer
 NNETPSNPRN() Determines the number of print server printers
 NNETPSPFRM() Sets or determines the form for the print server printer
 NNETPSPJOB() Checks to see if the print server printer is processing a job
 NNETPSPMOD() Sets or determines the queue service mode
 NNETPSPNAM() Determines the name of a print server printer
 NNETPSPROB() Determines the cause of an error for print server printer
 NNETPSPSQ()  Determines the list of printers that service a queue
 NNETPSPSTA() Queries the status of a print server printer
 NNETPSQL()   Determines the queues serviced by a print server printer
 NNETPSRRP()  Requests a remote printer.s configuration information
 NNETPSSRM()  Sets the remote printer mode
 NNETPSSRVL() Determines the file server for the print server
 NNETPSSTAT() Determines a print server.s status
 NNETPSTART() Starts a print server printer
 NNETPSTOP()  Stops a print server printer
 NNETPSTYPE() Determines a print server.s type
 NNETPSVER()  Determines a print server.s version

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