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X-Hacker.org- Telix/SALT v3.15 & RS-232, Hayes - <b>isalpha</b>
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. Summary
isalpha(int <c>); Test for letter ('A'-'Z' or 'a'-'z')
. Description
The functions listed above test an integer value and return a non-
zero (TRUE) value if the test condition is satisfied, or a zero
(FALSE) if it is not.
Except for isascii, these functions give valid results only for in-
teger values in the ASCII character set, that is, values for which
isascii is true.
. Return Value
A non-zero (TRUE) value is returned if the test condition is sat-
isfied, a 0 (FALSE) value otherwise.
See Also: isalnum isascii iscntrl isdigit islower isupper ASCII table
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