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X-Hacker.org- Telix/SALT v3.15 & RS-232, Hayes - Norton Guide
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Once the Host Mode has been configured, it can actually be
run. Telix will make a note in the Host Mode audit file
HOST.LOG and then will immediately send the Host Mode init
string to the modem. Telix then waits for a caller. While in
Host Mode, on the local side, the user can always press Esc to
exit Host Mode, or End to terminate the current caller. He can
also enter commands for the remote caller, so that a novice
caller can be helped along by the host operator. Also, at any
time, the current caller will be automatically terminated if
there is inactivity for five minutes, or the connection is
lost. This is all noted in the host audit file. If the caller
has only access level one, references to other disk directo-
ries than the ones defined in HCONFIG are ignored, and all op-
erations take place in those directories. As well, Telix pro-
tects your files from being accidentally overwritten by the
When the Carrier Detect signal turns on Telix knows a caller
is online. At this point Telix will try to determine the
caller's baud rate. Most Hayes compatible modems can be ini-
tialized to send the string 'CONNECT baud' where baud is the
baud rate of the caller, when they sense a connection. If
Telix sees this string it will switch to the appropriate baud.
If this string is not received within a few seconds of the
connection, Telix will leave the baud rate at whatever it was.
Also, it should be mentioned that Telix can not determine the
caller's other settings like parity, data bits, and stop bits.
These must already be matching Telix's settings.
At this point, if the file LOGO.MSG exists in the Telix direc-
tory, it is displayed to the caller. It should basically iden-
tify the system. Then Telix will ask the caller for his/her
name. The name must be at least five letters long and is only
used when indicating the caller in the Host Mode audit file.
If a password has been defined Telix will ask the caller for
it. The caller has three tries to complete the password. All
password attempts, successful or failed, are written to the
Host audit file. If the caller enters the Level One access
password, he may manipulate only the disk directories defined
in HCONFIG. Any other directories can not be accessed. If he
enters the Level Two access password, the caller may use full
pathnames in all file specifications. The level 2 password
should only be kept for yourself or those you completely
trust, as a Level 2 caller can access any files on your sys-
If there is a file called WELCOME.MSG in the Telix directory,
it is then shown to the caller. This file can contain further
identification or news, that you only want valid callers to
see. After each 23 lines the caller is prompted to press any
key to continue. As well, the caller may press Ctrl-S to pause
at any time, and Ctrl-C or Ctrl-K to abort the listing. After
the TELIX.MSG file is displayed the caller is presented with a
menu of options:
Files Type Upload Download Shell Chat Goodbye ?
The action to be taken is selected by entering its first let-
ter. Case does not matter. As mentioned already, the host op-
erator is free to enter any keystrokes for the caller.
See Also: common modem problems
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