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X-Hacker.org- Telepathy Communications Library - <b>tp_digimc()</b> - configure digiboard mc/x.
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tp_digimc() - configure DigiBoard MC/X.
tp_digimc(nAddress, nIRQ)
nAddress Status port address.
nIRQ IRQ (interrupt request) number.
Configures Telepathy to recognize a DigiBoard MC/X multi-port serial
card. nAddress is the decimal I/O base address for the card's status
port, and nIRQ is the card's IRQ number. After calling tp_digimc(),
you must set up each port on the card with tp_setport() before it can
be used.
tp_digimc(320, 3) // Card at 140h, IRQ 3
tp_setport(1, 256, 3, 0) // COM1 at 100h, unit 0
tp_setport(2, 264, 3, 1) // COM2 at 108h, unit 1
tp_setport(3, 272, 3, 2) // COM3 at 110h, unit 2
tp_setport(4, 280, 3, 3) // COM4 at 118h, unit 3
See Also: tp_digipc() tp_pcserial() tp_setport()
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