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   Terminal Types

   The terminals supported by Telepathy's emulators are:

   TTY     A "dumb" terminal, without cursor or color control.
   ANSI    Similar to the PC ANSI.SYS console driver, with cursor
           positioning and color support.
   VT102   Emulates the DEC VT102 display terminal.

   In these descriptions, a "^" followed by a letter means "control", so
   ^L is control-L, chr(12).

   TTY Emulator

   The TTY emulator responds to these control codes:

       Code        Action
       BEL (^G)    Sounds the console bell.  Set the TF_QUIET flag with
                   tp_tflags() to disable the bell.
       BS (^H)     Backs the cursor up one space.  No effect if the
                   cursor is at the beginning of line.  If the TF_DESTR
                   flag is set in tp_tflags(), it erases the character
                   it backs up over.
       HT (^I)     Advances the cursor to the next tab stop.  Tab stops
                   are set every eight spaces.  Erases characters as the
                   cursor moves over them.
       LF (^J)     Moves the cursor down one line.  If the cursor is on
                   the last line of the window, the window scrolls.
       FF (^L)     Clears the window and moves the cursor to the top
                   left corner.
       CR (^M)     Moves the cursor back to the beginning of the line.
                   the TF_ADDLF flag in tp_tflags() automatically adds a
                   LF after each CR.

   All other control characters are shown as PC graphic characters, or
   as "^X" sequences if the TF_ECTRL flag is set with tp_tflags().

   ANSI Emulator

   The PC ANSI emulator responds to all the same control codes as the
   TTY emulator, plus a number of escape sequences.  In the rest of
   these descriptions, Esc means the escape character, chr(27), and "#"
   stands for a decimal number.  Any number can be omitted, and will
   default to 1 (except where noted).

       Code        Action
       Esc[#A      Move cursor up # rows, default 1.  The cursor will
                   not move past the top of the window.
       Esc[#B      Move cursor down # rows, default 1.  The cursor will
                   not move past the bottom of the window, and the
                   window will not scroll.
       Esc[#C      Move cursor right # columns, default 1.
       Esc[#D      Move cursor left # columns, default 1.
       Esc[#;#H    Position cursor.  The first # is the row, and the
                   second is the column.  1;1 is the top-left corner of
                   the window.  Row and column number both default to 1.
       Esc[#;#f    Same as Esc[#;#H
       Esc[2J      Clear the screen and home the cursor.
       Esc[K       Clear from the cursor position to the end of line.
       Esc[#m      Select colors.  See table below.  Several attributes
                   can be set at once by separating them with
       Esc[6n      Query cursor position.  The emulator will send back a
                   string of the form Esc[#;#R where the first # is the
                   cursor row and the second is the column.
       Esc[s       Save the cursor position.
       Esc[u       Restore the cursor position last saved by Esc[s.
       Esc[?7h     Enable line wrap.  This is the default mode.  When a
                   character is typed in the last column of the screen,
                   the cursor wraps to the next line.  Also clears the
                   tp_tflags() TF_NOWRAP flag.
       Esc[?7l     Disable line wrap.  When a character is typed in the
                   last column, the cursor does not move.  Also sets the
                   tp_tflags() TF_NOWRAP flag.  (The last character of
                   Esc[?7l is a lower-case "L".)

   These are the text colors that can be set by Esc[#m:

       Value       Setting
         0         Default foreground and background colors.
         1         Bold (high-intensity foreground).
         4         Underline (shows blue-on-black on color screens).
         5         Blinking foreground (or high-intensity background
                   after SETBLINK(.F.)).
         7         Reverse foreground and background colors.
         8         Invisible text.
        30         Black foreground.
        31         Red foreground.
        32         Green foreground.
        33         Yellow foreground.
        34         Blue foreground.
        35         Magenta foreground.
        36         Cyan foreground.
        37         White foreground.
        40         Black background.
        41         Red background.
        42         Green background.
        43         Yellow background.
        44         Blue background.
        45         Magenta background.
        46         Cyan background.
        47         White background.

   VT102 Emulator

   The VT102 emulator responds to these control codes:

       Code        Action
       NUL         Ignored, even within an escape sequence.
       BEL (^G)    Sounds the console bell.  Set the TF_QUIET flag with
                   tp_tflags() to disable the bell.
       BS (^H)     Backs the cursor up one space.  If the cursor is at
                   the previous line.  The VT102 emulator ignores the
                   tp_tflags() TF_DESTR flag, and does not erase
                   characters it backspaces over.
       HT (^I)     Advances the cursor to the next tab stop.  If there
                   are no more tab stops, the cursor stops at the right
                   margin.  Tab stops may be set with EscH.  Initially,
                   tab stops are set every eight columns.
       LF (^J)     Moves the cursor down one line.  If the cursor is on
                   the last line of the scrolling region, the display
                   scrolls.  If newline mode is set with Esc[20h, LF
                   also returns the cursor to the left margin.
       VT (^K)     Treated as LF.
       FF (^L)     Treated as LF.
       CR (^M)     Moves the cursor back to the beginning of the line.
       SO (^N)     Selects the G1 character set.  See Character Sets
       SI (^O)     Selects the G0 character set.  See Character Sets
       CAN (^X)    If received during an escape sequence, cancels the
       SUB (^Z)    Displays as ".". If received during an escape
                   sequence, cancels the sequence and displays ".".
       Esc         Introduces an escape sequence.

   All other control characters are ignored, but cancel an escape
   sequence if received during one.

   Escape sequences for cursor movement and scrolling:

       Code        Action
       Esc7        Save cursor position, display attributes, character
                   set, and line wrap and origin modes.
       Esc8        Restore cursor position and other settings saved by
       EscD        Cursor moves down one line.  If the cursor is on the
                   last line of the scrolling region, the display
       EscE        Cursor moves down one line, and returns to the left
                   margin.  If the cursor is on the last line of the
                   scrolling region, the display scrolls.
       EscM        Cursor moves up one line.  If the cursor is on the
                   first line of the scrolling region, the display
                   scrolls down.
       EscZ        Device attribute request, same as Esc[c.  The
                   emulator responds by sending Esc[?6c, the code for a
       Esc[#A      Move cursor up # rows, default 1.  The cursor will
                   not move past the top of the window, or the top of
                   the scrolling region if origin mode is set by
       Esc[#B      Move cursor down # rows, default 1.  The cursor will
                   not move past the bottom of the window, or the bottom
                   of the scrolling region if origin mode is set by
       Esc[#C      Move cursor right # columns, default 1.
       Esc[#D      Move cursor left # columns, default 1.
       Esc[#;#H    Position cursor.  The first # is the row, and the
                   second is the column.  1;1 is the top-left corner of
                   the window, or of the scrolling region if origin mode
                   is set by Esc[?6h.  Row and column numbers both
                   default to 1.
       Esc[#;#f    Same as Esc[#;#H.
       Esc[#;#r    Set scrolling region.  The first # is the top line of
                   the region, and the second is the bottom.  There must
                   be at least two lines in the scrolling region.

   Escape sequences to insert, delete, and erase text:

       Code        Action
       Esc[#J      Erase in display.  If # is 0, clears from the cursor
                   position to the end of the screen.  If # is 1, clears
                   from the top of the screen to (and including) the
                   cursor position.  If # is 2, clears the entire
                   screen, but does not move the cursor.  The scrolling
                   region does not affect this operation.
       Esc[#K      Erase in line.  If # is 0, clears from the cursor
                   position to the end of line.  If # is 1, clears from
                   the start of line to (and including) the cursor
                   position.  If # is 2, clears the entire line, but
                   does not move the cursor.
       Esc[#L      Insert # lines, default 1.  All text from the cursor
                   line to the bottom of the scrolling region moves down
                   to make room for the next lines, and the cursor
                   returns to the left margin.  Has no effect if the
                   cursor is outside the scrolling region.
       Esc[#M      Delete # lines, default 1, starting with the cursor
                   line.  Text within the scrolling region moves up to
                   replace the deleted lines, and the cursor returns to
                   the left margin.  Has no effect if the cursor is
                   outside the scrolling region.
       Esc[#P      Delete # characters, default 1, starting with the
                   cursor position.  Characters move to the left to fill
                   in for the deleted characters.

   Escape sequences for display attribute control:

       Code        Action
       Esc[0m      Reset all attributes.
       Esc[1m      Select bold (high intensity) text.
       Esc[4m      Select underlined text.  On a color monitor,
                   underlined text displays with a red background.
       Esc[5m      Select blinking text.
       Esc[7m      Select reverse text.  With a monochrome display
                   adapter (MDA or Hercules), reverse text overrides the
                   bold and underlined attributes.
       Esc[22m     Turn off the bold attribute.
       Esc[24m     Turn off the underline attribute.
       Esc[25m     Turn off the blinking attribute.
       Esc[27m     Turn off the reverse attribute.

   Several attributes can be set or reset at once by separating the
   attribute numbers with semicolons.

   Escape sequences for control options:

       Code        Action
       EscH        Set a tab stop at the cursor position.
       Esc[g       Clear tab stop at the cursor position.
       Esc[3g      Clear all tab stops.
       Esc[4h      Set insert mode.  As characters are displayed, text
                   is pushed to the right to make room.  Text which
                   reaches the right edge of the display is lost.
       Esc[4l      Reset insert mode.  The last character of this
                   sequence is a lower-case L.
       Esc[?6h     Set origin mode.  When set, the cursor positioning
                   commands Esc[#;#H and Esc[#;#f are relative to the
                   top edge of the scrolling region.  The cursor is not
                   permitted to move outside the scrolling region.
       Esc[?6l     Reset origin mode.  When reset, the cursor
                   positioning commands Esc[#;#H and Esc[#;#f are
                   relative to the top edge of the display, and can move
                   the cursor outside the scrolling region, as can
                   Esc[#A and Esc[#B.  The last character of this
                   sequence is a lower-case L.
       Esc[?7h     Set auto-wrap mode.  When set, displaying a character
                   in the last position on a line causes the cursor to
                   wrap around to the next line.
       Esc[?7l     Reset auto-wrap mode.  The cursor will not advance
                   past the last position on a line.  The last character
                   of this sequence is a lower-case L.
       Esc[12h     Set remote echo.  This command clears the TF_ECHO
       Esc[12l     Reset remote echo.  This command sets the TF_ECHO
                   flag.  The last character of this sequence is a
                   lower-case L.
       Esc[20h     Set newline mode.  When set, displaying a line feed
                   also returns the cursor to the left margin.  Sending
                   a carriage return sends a CRLF sequence.
       Esc[20l     Reset newline mode.  When reset, a line feed moves
                   the cursor down without changing its column position.
                   The last character of this sequence is a lower-case

   Escape sequence for controlling display character sets:

       Code        Action
       Esc(A       Select British character set to G0.
       Esc(B       Select standard ASCII character set to G0.
       Esc(0       Select DEC graphics character set to G0.
       Esc)A       Select British character set to G1.
       Esc)B       Select standard ASCII character set to  G1.
       Esc)0       Select DEC graphics character set to G1.
       EscN        Single shift G2.  Select G2 for the next single
                   character displayed.
       EscO        Single shift G3.  Select G3 for the next single
                   character displayed.

   Miscellaneous escape sequences:

       Code        Action
       Esc[c       Device attribute request.  The emulator responds by
                   sending back Esc[?6c, the code for a DEC VT102.
       Esc[6n      Cursor position report.  The emulator responds by
                   sending back Esc[#;#R where #;# is the current cursor
                   row and column position.
       Esc[!p      Soft reset.  Resets all display options and settings
                   to their defaults.
       Escc        Hard reset.  Same as soft reset, but also clears the
                   screen and homes the cursor.

   Character Sets.  There are two levels of character set mapping in the
   VT102 emulator.  ^O and ^N select one of the two character maps
   called G0 and G1 for characters to be displayed.  Esc( and Esc)
   sequences select different character sets for G0 and G1.  In
   addition, there are two other character maps, G2, and G3, which can
   be selected for single characters by the EscN and EscO sequences.
   The contents of these maps cannot be changed.

   By default, G0 contains the standard ASCII character set, and G1
   contains the DEC graphics character set.  G2 is also the graphics
   set, and G3 the ASCII set.

   All character sets contain 95 symbols, for the ASCII values 32
   through 126.  There are no high-order characters available.

   The British character set is identical to the ASCII set except that
   the # symbol is replaced by ..

   The DEC graphics character set contains:

       Value   Char.   |   Value   Char.   |   Value   Char.
         32    space   |     64      @     |     96      .
         33      !     |     65      A     |     97      .
         34      "     |     66      B     |     98      .
         35      #     |     67      C     |     99      .
         36      $     |     68      D     |    100      .
         37      %     |     69      E     |    101      .
         38      &     |     70      F     |    102      .
         39      '     |     71      G     |    103      .
         40      (     |     72      H     |    104      .
         41      )     |     73      I     |    105      .
         42      *     |     74      J     |    106      +
         43      +     |     75      K     |    107      +
         44      ,     |     76      L     |    108      +
         45      -     |     77      M     |    109      +
         46      .     |     78      N     |    110      +
         47      /     |     79      O     |    111      .
         48      0     |     80      P     |    112      .
         49      1     |     81      Q     |    113      -
         50      2     |     82      R     |    114      .
         51      3     |     83      S     |    115      _
         52      4     |     84      T     |    116      |
         53      5     |     85      U     |    117      |
         54      6     |     86      V     |    118      -
         55      7     |     87      W     |    119      -
         56      8     |     88      X     |    120      |
         57      9     |     89      Y     |    121      .
         58      :     |     90      Z     |    122      .
         59      ;     |     91      [     |    123      .
         60      <     |     92      \     |    124      .
         61      =     |     93      ]     |    125      .
         62      >     |     94      ^     |    126      .
         63      ?     |     95    blank   |

See Also: Terminal Emulation

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