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   Error Codes

   An error code indicates whether the last operation succeeded or
   failed, and if it failed, the reason.  There are three groups of
   error codes: general errors, protocol file transfer errors, and DOS

   [5.0] In the Clipper 5.0 version of Telepathy, these error code names
   are defined in the header file

   General Errors:

       Name        Code        Message
                      0        No error
       TE_PARAM      -1        Bad function parameter
       TE_NOPORT     -2        No such serial port
       TE_CLOSED     -3        Serial port is not open
       TE_CONFL      -4        Serial port IRQ conflict
       TE_TMOUT      -5        Timeout
       TE_NDCD       -6        Connection lost
       TE_ESCAPE     -7        User escape
       TE_LENGTH     -8        Reached length limit
       TE_CANCEL     -9        Canceled
       TE_NOHDL     -10        Out of handles

   Protocol File Transfer Errors:

       Name        Code        Message
       TE_UCANCEL   -50        Canceled by user
       TE_RCANCEL   -51        Canceled by remote
       TE_STARTTM   -52        Timeout waiting to start
       TE_BLOCKTM   -53        Timeout waiting for packet
       TE_ACKTM     -54        Timeout waiting for ACK
       TE_SENDTM    -55        Timeout waiting to send
       TE_CLEARTM   -56        Timeout waiting for sender to stop
       TE_NAK       -57        Negative acknowledgement
       TE_BADACK    -58        Bad ACK/NAK character
       TE_BADBLK    -59        Bad packet format
       TE_LONGBLK   -60        Packet too long
       TE_ERRMAX    -61        Too many errors
       TE_DUPBLK    -62        Duplicate packet
       TE_PROTO     -63        Protocol failure
       TE_CKSUM     -64        Checksum error
       TE_HDRTM     -65        Timeout waiting for header

   DOS Errors:

       Name        Code        Message
       TE_DISKFULL -100        Disk full
       TE_NOFILE   -102        File not found
       TE_NOPATH   -103        Path not found
       TE_MFILE    -104        Too many files open
       TE_ACCESS   -105        Access denied

See Also: tp_errmsg() tp_error() tp_errcodes()

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