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X-Hacker.org- Telepathy Communications Library - <b>tp_xiorts()</b> - get and optionally set i/o rts control
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tp_xiorts() - get and optionally set I/O RTS control
nOldCtrl = tp_xiorts([nNewCtrl])
nNewCtrl New IORTS setting.
Returns Old IORTS setting.
IORTS is a global setting. It controls how file transfer functions
handle the RTS signal during a Ymodem-G or Zmodem receive:
IORTS Action
-1 RTS does not change during writes to disk.
0 RTS turned off when writing to disk.
>0 Before writing to disk, turn RTS off and wait IORTS timer
ticks. (There are about 18 timer ticks per second.)
The initial default setting is -1. The recommended setting when
running at 9600 baud or faster is 2.
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