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 EntBuild        Build Data Entry Form from defining set of Ebld/Fbld obj
 EntDef          Begin entry form definition.
 EntFld          Defines a window input field.
 EntDis          Assign disabled field attribute for current form.
 EntKey          Assign alternate keyboard support.
 EntOpt          Set global entry form options.
 EntSep          Assign word-separator string
 FldKey          Assign user hotkey to current entry field.
 FldFun          Assign before/after functions to current entry field.
 EntGet          Processes Entry Form
 EntCur          Current Entry Form Object
 EntDsp          Display all fields on form.
 EntFree         Dispose of current entry form.
 EntPush         Save current entry form.
 EntPop          Restore saved entry form.
 FldCur          Current Field Object
 FldLoc          Return pointer to field in current form with passed Tag ID.
 FldChg          Signal parent field was changed by child.
 FldDis          Disable/Enable entry field.
 FldReq          Make entry field required/optional.
 _FldPut (Int)   Display Entry Field with correct attribute.
 _FldSet (Int)   Set up transient field control.

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