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Defines the help system parameters.

Header File.....TCXLhlp.h

Prototype.......IntT CTYP HlpDef(ChrP hf, KeyT kc, AtrT wa, AtrT fa,
                     AtrT ta, AtrT xa, AtrT ba, BytT ft, VfvCP fo);

Source File.....HLP\HLPDEF.C

Arguments.......fn -  Filename for help file
                kc -  Keycode of the help key
                wa -  Help Window Attribute (See Appendix A).
                fa -  Frame Attribute (See Appendix A).
                ta -  Help Text Attribute (See Appendix A).  Note  that the
                      window attribute and the text attribute are generally
                      the same; the <wa> is used to determine what
                      attribute the help window is cleared to when it is
                      opened, and the <ta> is the attribute of normal text.
                xa -  Cross-Reference Text Attribute (See Appendix A)
                ba -  Selection Bar Attribute (See Appendix A)
                ft -  Frame Type (One of the following)
                  BOX_SNG..all single
                  BOX_DBL..all double
                  BOX_VER..horiz single, vert double
                  BOX_HOR..horiz double, vert single
                  BOX_HVY..heavy lines
                  BOX_SPA..spaces  no box
                  BOX_EXP..explode frame on open
                fo -  Function to call immediately upon opening the help

Returns.........ERR_NUL  -  No Error
                ERR_ARG  -  Argument Failure
                ERR_MEM  -  Memory Allocation Error
                   TcxlErr contains:
                   W_NOHLPFIL - No Help File Name defined

Notes...........Defines the help file, key, and window colors.  After
                calling this function, anytime the help key is pressed, the
                help processor will search the help file for whatever the
                current help category is.  The default help-window is <3,8>
                to <21,71>, 16 rows by 61 cols of help-text per page. This
                can't be changed without re-formatting the help file.

Example.........HlpDef("TCXLDEMO.HLP", Key_F1, YELLOW|_RED, YELLOW|_RED,
                      LRED|_RED, WHITE|_RED, RED|_LGREY, BOX_DBL,

See Also: Appendix A

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