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Wprtf, Wputf

Display a formatted string/attribute.

Header File.....TCXLwin.h

Prototype.......IntT CDC Wprtf(BytT wr, BytT wc, AtrT at, ChrP fs, ...);
                IntT CDC Wputf(ChrP fs, ...);

Source File.....WIN\WPRTF.C

Arguments.......wr -  Window Row
                wc -  Window Column
                at -  Attribute (See Appendix A)
                fs -  Format String (See your compiler's documentation)
                ...   -  Additional Arguments

Returns.........ERR_NUL  -  No Error
                ERR_ARG  -  Argument Failure
                   TcxlErr contains:
                   W_NOACTIVE  -  No Active Window
                   W_INVCOORD  -  Invalid Coordinates

Notes...........Displays a formatted string to the active window.  Works
                like the standard printf() function does.  Wprtf() displays
                at the specified coordinates, using the specified attribute
                (See Appendix A);  control characters and escape sequences
                are NOT recognized; cursor position is NOT updated.
                Wputf() displays at the window's current text attribute;
                control characters and escape sequences (See Appendix C)
                are recognized; cursor position is updated.

See Also: Appendix A

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