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PRINT #                  Output to Sequential File

 PRINT #filenum, [exprlist] [;]

    Writes to a specified disk file an image of what would be displayed on
    screen by a corresponding PRINT statement.

     filenum    The number under which the file was OPENed for output.

    exprlist    Numeric and/or string expressions to print. Each
                expression must be separated from the one after it by
                either a comma or a semicolon.

           ;    If included at the end of the statement, suppresses the
                usual carriage return and line feed.


      Notes:    PRINT # outputs exactly the same characters that would
                appear on screen in response to a PRINT statement. Commas
                between expressions, for example, result in the insertion
                of space.

                If an expression to be output contains significant quote
                marks or commas, you should surround it with quote marks
                by means of CHR$(34); otherwise, when you input these
                fields, Turbo Basic will interpret the significant commas
                or quotes as delimiters.


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