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 Old style PUBLICs vs. new functions

 In SuperLibs previous to 3.0, a scheme of PUBLIC
 variables was used to represent certain global SuperLib
 environment settings. To avoid PUBLICs, a new set of functions
 exists to set and retrieve these previously PUBLIC variables.

 All of the functions are of the SET/RETRIEVE type. In
 other words, they will always return the current setting, but
 you can also pass them a new setting as a parameter. For
 example, previously the normal color setting was done via the
 PUBLIC variable C_NORMCOL and was accessed like so:

         SETCOLOR(c_normcol)             // retrieve
         c_normcol = "W/N,N/W,,+W/N"     // set new

 Where now it would be:

         SETCOLOR( sls_normcol()  )      // retrieve
         sls_normcol("W/N,N/W,,+W/N")    // set new

 Here is a comparison of the old PUBLICs versus the
 new functions:

 C_NORMCOL    sls_normcol()   Normal colors
 C_NORMMENU   sls_normmenu()  Normal colors - menu
 C_POPCOL     sls_popcol()    Popup colors
 C_POPMENU    sls_popmenu()   Popup colors - menu
 C_FRAME      sls_frame()     Popup box frames
 C_SHADATT    sls_shadatt()   Shadow attribute
 C_SHADPOS    sls_shadpos()   Shadow position
 C_XPLODE     sls_xplode()    Popups explode/implode
 QUERY_EXP    sls_query()     Last stored query
 _SUPERPRN    sls_prn()       Default printer
 _CHECKPRN    sls_prnc()      Check the printer
 _SUPISCOLOR  sls_iscolor()   Is this a color monitor
 _REPORTS     slsf_report()   Name of REPORTS file
 _FORMS       slsf_form()     Name of FORMS file
 _QUERIES     slsf_query()    Name of QUERIES file
 _LISTER      slsf_list()     Name of LISTS file
 _TODODBF     slsf_todo()     Name of TODO file
 _TODONTX1    slsf_tdn1()     Name of TODO index 1
 _TODONTX2    slsf_tdn2()     Name of TODO index 2
 _TODONTX3    slsf_tnd3()     Name of TODO index 3
 _HELP        slsf_help()     Name of HELP file
 _SCROLLER    slsf_scroll()   Name of  scroller file
 _COLORS      slsf_color()    Name of COLORS file
                       (This is now a DBF - was a .MEM)

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