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 Here is a listing of the NEW functions in SuperLib 3.0

 A2TOSING()     Copies a given element from an array of arrays
 AASKIP()       Use for skipblock for arrays in Tbrowse
 AAVERAGE()     Determines the average of an array with optional
                conditional set
 AEXTRACT()     Extract and return a conditional set from an array
 AFDECIX()      Returns an array of field DECIMALS for current dbf
 AFIELDSTYPE()  Returns an array of field names of particular type
 AFIELDSX()     Returns an array of field names for current dbf
 AFLENSX()      Returns an array of field LENGTHS for current dbf
 AFTYPESX()     Returns an array of field types for current dbf
 AMATCHES()     Counts the matches of an array with optional conditional
 AMAVERAGE()    Average on a given element of multi-dim array
 AMSG()         Pop up message box for an array of messages
 AMSTDDEV()     Standard Deviation on a given element of multi-dim array
 AMSUM()        Sum on a given element of multi-dim array
 AMVARIANCE()   Variance on a given element of multi-dim array
 ARRAY2DBF()    Replaces the current record with the values in an array
 ASCIITABLE()   Pops up an ASCII table for character selection
 ASORTMULT()    Sort multiple arrays based on sort of primary array
 ASORTMULTR()   Sort multiple arrays based on sort of primary array
 ASTDDEV()      Determines the standard deviation of an array with
                optional conditional set
 ASUM()         Determines the sum of an array with optional conditional
 AT2CHAR()      Returns the String color equivalent of a color attribute
 AUPDATED()     Determines if an array contains updated values for the
                current record
 AVARIANCE()    Determines the variance of an array with optional
                conditional set
 BLANKFIELD()   Returns a blank value corresponding to a field
 BLANKREC()     Blanks out a record
 BROWSE2D()     Popup tbrowse of 2 dimension array (array of arrays)
 BROWSEDELIM()  Tbrowse a delimited file
 BROWSESDF()    Tbrowse an SDF file
 CALCKCLR()     Clears hot keys set by CALCKSET()
 CALCKSET()     Allows use of GETCALC() calculator in GETS
 CALCVALID()    Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET VALID clause
 CALCWHEN()     Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET WHEN clause
 CALENDKCLR()   Clears hot keys set up by CALENDKSET()
 CALENDKSET()   Allows use of GETDATE() calendar in GETS
 CALENDVALID()  Uses GETDATE() popup calendar function as a GET VALID clause
 CALENDWHEN()   Uses GETDATE() function as a GET WHEN clause
 COPYFIELDS()   Copies selected fields of selected records to new dbf
 DBF2ARRAY()    Returns an array of values for the current record
 DBSTATS()      Statistical report on current dbf,
 DUPHANDLE()    Duplicate record finder with delete/copy options
 EDITMEMOV()    Performs a windowed memoedit() on a string
 EXPBLOCK()     Returns a codeblock to evaluate an expresson
 FIELDDECX()    Returns decimals of field
 FIELDLENX()    Returns length of field
 FIELDPOSX()    Returns position of field named in expression
 FIELDTYPEX()   Returns type of field
 FMOVE2NEXT()   Move to beginning of next line in a text file
 FMOVE2PRIOR()  Moves to beginning of previous CRLF delimited line in a
                text file
 GENREADER()    Creates specialized user defined get reader block
 HARDCOPY()     Prints current record or memo fields to printer
 ISBLANKREC()   Determines if a record is blank
 ISFIELD()      Determines if an expression is the name of a field
 ISINLOOK()     Checks for existence of a value in a lookup dbf
 ISNOTDUP()     Checks for a duplicate field
 ISTHISAREA()   Determines if expression is the name of a field in this
 ISVALFILE()    Checks a file name for validity
 MFIELDSTYPE()  Pops up a list of fields of given type(s)
 MULTMSGYN()    Multi-line popup message - yes -no
 PARSALIAS()    Exracts the name of the alias from an expression
 PARSFIELD()    Exracts the name of the field from an expression
 PICKREADER()   Creates specialized picklist reader block
 PMREADER()     Creates specialized PLUS/MINUS get reader block
 POPCOLSEL()    Popup color grid for selecting a single color
 POPMONTH()     Popup month selection
 POPUPDIR()     Popup of a given directory for file selection
 POPUPKCLR()    Clears GET hotkey popups set up with POPUPKSET()
 POPUPKSET()    Set a popup for hotkey access from a GET, with auto
 POPUPVALID()   Allows use of a popup for a GET VALID clause
 POPUPWHEN()    Allows use of a popup for a GET WHEN clause
 POPVDATE()     Pops up a picklist of virtual dates
 POPVYEAR()     Pops up a picklist of virtual years
 PROGCOUNT()    Perform a count with a progress box
 PROGDISP()     Displays progress bar in box created with PROGON()
 PROGEVAL()     Perform a Database DBEVAL() with a progress box
 PROGINDEX()    Perform an index with a progress box
 PROGOFF()      Removes a progress bar box created by PROGON()
 PROGON()       Initialize and display a progress bar box
 PSTABMENU()    Popup tabular (grid style) )menu
 QFLDSTYPE()    Count # of fields of a given type or types
 RAT_AREA()     Limits the mouse to a rectangular area of the screen
 RAT_COL()      Current mouse column
 RAT_COLL()     Returns mouse column at the last left button press
 RAT_COLR()     Returns mouse column at the last right button press
 RAT_ELBHD()    Determines if left mouse button is held down
 RAT_EQMCOL()   Returns mouse column at last press
 RAT_EQMROW()   Returns mouse row at last press
 RAT_ERBHD()    Determines if right mouse button is held down
 RAT_EVENT()    Event handler - inkey() with mouse awareness
 RAT_EXIST()    Determines if a mouse is available
 RAT_ISMOUSE()  Determines mouse usage by RAT_EVENT()
 RAT_LBHD()     Determines if the mouse left button is currently depressed
 RAT_LEFTB()    Determines if the left mouse button has been pressed
 RAT_MENU2()    Mouseable MENU TO emulation
 RAT_OFF()      Sets the mouse cursor off
 RAT_ON()       Sets the mouse cursor on
 RAT_POSIT()    Positions the mouse cursor at row,column coordinates
 RAT_RBHD()     Determines if the mouse right button is currently depressed
 RAT_READ()     Mouseable read
 RAT_RESET()    Resets the mouse to its default values
 RAT_RIGHTB()   Determines if the right mouse button has been pressed
 RAT_ROW()      Current mouse row
 RAT_ROWL()     Returns mouse row at the last left button press
 RAT_ROWR()     Returns mouse row at the last right button press
 RESTSETKEYS()  Restores  set keys saved with SAVESETKEYS()
 S1LABEL()      Prints a single label
 SACHOICE()     Achoice replacement, uses TBROWSE, accepts exception
 SAPPOINT()     Appointments manager - uses popup calendar.
 SATTCOLOR()    Sets up the the system color and interface settings for
                color monitor
 SATTDIRECT()   Sets up the the system color and interface settings
 SATTGET()      Sets up SuperLib environment variables from COLORS.DBF
 SATTGETMEM()   Sets up SuperLib environment variables from old COLORS.MEM
 SATTMONO()     Sets up the the system color and interface settings for
                MONOCHROME monitor
 SATTPICK()     Sets up SuperLib environment vars by selecting from stored
 SATTPICKDEL()  Picklist deletion of stored color sets
 SATTPICKPUT()  Stores SuperLib environment variables to COLORS.DBF with
 SATTPOP()      Pops previously pushed SuperLib interface variables
 SATTPUSH()     Pushes the current SuperLib interface variables
 SATTPUT()      Stores current SuperLib environment variables to DBF
 SAVESETKEYS()  Saves all active set keys to an array, optionally clearing
 SBCENTER()     Centers box coordinates
 SBCOLS()       Determine number of columns in a box
 SBREADER()     Creates specialized spacebar spinner get reader block
 SBROWS()       Determine number of rows in a box
 SBSHADOW()     Draw a shadow around a box
 SBUNSHADOW()   Removes shadow drawn with SBSHADOW()
 SCONVDELIM()   Convert a delimited file to a DBF
 SEXPORT()      Export DBF to delimited or SDF files
 SFREADLINE()   Reads in text up to the next CRLF in a text file
 SGETMANY()     Virtual (scrolling) gets in a popup box
 SHIFTY()       Determines shift key settings
 SLOTUSMENU()   1-2-3 style menu
 SLSF_*()       Series of functions to determine system file names and
 SLS_*()        Series of functions for system settings and colors
 SL_BOLD()      Sets font stroke weight to BOLD (ultra black)
 SL_BOX()       Draws a box line from row,col to endrow,endcol
 SL_COPIES()    Sets the laserjet to print n copies of each page
 SL_DOWNROW()   Move the printer cursor up/down by # rows, relative to
 SL_EJECT()     Ejects the current page
 SL_FILL()      Fills a rectangle with shading or a pattern.
 SL_GOTO()      Move the printer cursor to row/col
 SL_HLINE()     Draws a horizontal line from row,col to row,endcol
 SL_ITALIC()    Sets font style to italic
 SL_ITALICOFF() Sets font style to upright (non italic)
 SL_LANDS()     Sets laserjet orientation to LANDSCAPE
 SL_LEFTMARG()  Sets the left margin to the left edge of the specified
 SL_NORMAL()    Sets font stroke weight to NORMAL (non bold)
 SL_OVERCOL()   Move the printer cursor right/left # columns relative to
 SL_PAGESIZE()  Sets the page size on the laserjet
 SL_POPCURS()   Pops the printer cursor position for later popping
 SL_PORT()      Sets the laserjet orientation to PORTRAIT
 SL_PUSHCURS()  Pushes the printer cursor position for later popping
 SL_RESET()     Resets the printer to user defaults
 SL_RIGHTMARG() Sets the right margin to the right edge of the specified
 SL_SETCPI()    Sets characters per inch
 SL_SETLPI()    Sets the lines per inch for the laserjet
 SL_TOPMARG()   Designates the number of lines of top margin
 SL_UNDER()     Sets automatic text underlining on
 SL_UNDEROFF()  Sets automatic text underlining off
 SL_VLINE()     Draws a vertical  line from row,col to endrow,col
 SL_WRAP()      Sets line wrapping on or off
 SMAILMERGE()   Creates mailmerge files for WordPerfect & MS Word
 SMALLKCLR()    Clears GET-HOTKEY lookup combinations set up with
 SMALLKSET()    Sets up GET-HOTKEY lookup combinations using SMALLS()
 SMALLVALID()   Uses SMALLS() in a VALID condition for a GET
 SMALLWHEN()    Uses SMALLS() in a WHEN condition for a GET
 SPOPORDER()    Popup allows user to change viewing (index) order
 SPOPSEEK()     Popup seek based on present index keys
 SS_CLOSEH()    Restores screen in a horizontal close fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_CLOSEV()    Restores screen in a vertical close fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_FADE()      Restores screen in a fadeaway fashion. Alternative to
 SS_FALL()      Restores screen in a fall from top fashion. Alternative to
 SS_FOLD()      Restores screen in a fold to middle fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_HBLINDS()   Restores screen in a horizontal blind fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_IMPLODE()   Restores screen in an imploding fashion. Alternative to
 SS_RISE()      Restores screen in a rise from bottom fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_SLICE()     Restores screen in a slicing fashion. Alternative to
 SS_SLIDELEFT() Restores screen in a slide left fashion. Alternative to
 SS_SLIDERIGHT()Restores screen in a slide right fashion. Alternative to
 SS_SPLIT()     Restores screen in a split from middle fashion.
                Alternative to restscreen()
 SS_VBLINDS()   Restores screen in a vertical blind fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_WIPEH()     Restores screen in a wipe from left fashion. Alternative
                to restscreen()
 SS_WIPEV()     Restores screen in a wipe from top fashion. Alternative to
 STABMENU()     Tabular (grid style) menu
 STAGFIELDS()   Tag fields
 STRIP_PATH()   Strip path and optionally extension from a filespec
 SUPERSUPER()   Datafile management proc - uses all applicable
 TAGARRAY()     Tag selected elements of an array
 TAGMARRAY()    Tag elements in muti-dimensioned array
 VERTVIEW()     Pops up a vertical view of the current record
 VIEWMEMOS()    Popup viewing (non-edit mode) of memos
 WGT_MEAS()     A Weights and Measures conversion metafunction
 WORKBLOCK()    Returns a set-get block for field named in an expression
 YNREADER()     Creates specialized Yes/No get reader block

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