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 Get system

 SMALLKCLR()    Clears GET-HOTKEY lookup combinations set up with
 POPUPKCLR()    Clears GET hotkey popups set up with POPUPKSET()
 PMREADER()     Creates specialized PLUS/MINUS get reader block
 SMALLKSET()    Sets up GET-HOTKEY lookup combinations using SMALLS()
 PICKREADER()   Creates specialized picklist reader block
 POPUPWHEN()    Allows use of a popup for a GET WHEN clause
 POPUPKSET()    Set a popup for hotkey access from a GET, with auto
 POPUPVALID()   Allows use of a popup for a GET VALID clause
 CALENDVALID()  Uses GETDATE() popup calendar function as a GET VALID
 CALCKCLR()     Clears hot keys set by CALCKSET()
 CALCKSET()     Allows use of GETCALC() calculator in GETS
 SMALLWHEN()    Uses SMALLS() in a WHEN condition for a GET
 CALENDWHEN()   Uses GETDATE() function as a GET WHEN clause
 CALCWHEN()     Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET WHEN clause
 SMALLVALID()   Uses SMALLS() in a VALID condition for a GET
 CALCVALID()    Uses GETCALC() calculator function as a GET VALID clause
 RAT_READ()     Mouseable read
 GENVAL()       Generic VALID clause validation with message
 GENREADER()    Creates specialized user defined get reader block
 GETAKEY()      Gets intent of last keystroke
 SBREADER()     Creates specialized spacebar spinner get reader block
 ED_G_PIC()     Returns appropriate picture for getting a field
 CALENDKSET()   Allows use of GETDATE() calendar in GETS
 YNREADER()     Creates specialized Yes/No get reader block
 CALENDKCLR()   Clears hot keys set up by CALENDKSET()

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