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__PARINFA          Parameter type-checking of array elements

Syntax Usage:  . To obtain number of elements in array parameter (length
                 of array):

                   mov   ax, <ORDER>
                   mov   bx, 0
                   push  bx
                   push  ax
                   call  __PARINFA
                   add   sp, 2

               . To obtain type of element of the array parameter:

                   mov   ax, <ORDER>
                   mov   bx, <INDEX>
                   push  bx
                   push  ax
                   call  __PARINFA
                   add   sp, 4

Argument:      <ORDER> is the placement order in the parameter list.
               <INDEX> is the index of array element to be type-checked.

Description:   If the <INDEX> argument is zero, __PARINFA places the
               length of the array passed in AX.  If the <INDEX>
               argument is greater than zero, __PARINFA places the type
               of the specified parameter in AX using the following

               Table: AX Values (__PARINFA)
                Type        Value placed in AX

                undefined           0
                character           1
                numeric             2
                logical             4
                date                8
                by reference        32 ; OR with type
                memo                65
                array               512

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