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Syntax:     TIME()

Purpose:    To return the system time.

Returns:    A character string.

            The system time is returned in the format "hh:mm:ss," where
            "hh" is hours in 24-hour format, "mm" is minutes, and "ss"
            is seconds.  Hours, minutes, and seconds are separated by

Usage:      TIME() is useful when you want to include the time in a
            report or in a display.

Library:    CLIPPER.LIB

----------------------------------- Examples -------------------------------

   ? TIME()                      && Result: 10:37:17
   ? SUBSTR(TIME(), 1, 2)        && Result: 10
   ? SUBSTR(TIME(), 4, 2)        && Result: 37
   ? SUBSTR(TIME(), 7, 2)        && Result: 17

See Also: DATE() SECONDS() AmPm()

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