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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! AdLib and Sound Blaster reference guide.÷+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - this guide will later (when more material is obtained), be [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
This guide will later (when more material is obtained), be
expanded with AdLib Sound functions, as well as being
accompanied by a Turbo Pascal 5.0 Unit. To speed up this
event YOU can help by sending me papers, text dox, or any
other material about the AdLib and Sound Blaster cards.

You can send your material directly to me, as netmail at
2:231/76.10, or upload it to my Boss at ThunderBird BBS,
+45-38-344246. He has a seperate AdLib / SoundBlaster area.

27-06-1990, Christian Borg Mohl.

Online resources provided by: --- NG 2 HTML conversion by Dave Pearson