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  RYO Filters:

  RYO filters give you ultimate flexibility in filtering records.  You can
  perform tasks like tagging records to create fully customized browses.  Or
  you can use RYO filters to span related data tables to yield a set of
  records based on criteria from ANY of the related files.

  Like the SIx Drivers RYO indexes, RYO filters are simple and easy to use.
  The function names for managing RYO filters are similar to those for RYO
  indexes.  For example, you would use Sx_KeyAdd() to add a key to a RYO
  index.  With MachSIx you would use m6_FiltAddRec() to add a record to an
  RYO filter.

  Following is a list of functions available to you to manage RYO filters:

        m6_AddScoped()             m6_FiltPos()
        m6_EvalPartial()           m6_FiltRestore()
        m6_FiltAddRec()            m6_FiltSave()
        m6_FiltBott()              m6_FiltSkip()
        m6_FiltChgRec()            m6_FiltTop()
        m6_FiltCopy()              m6_GetAreaFilter()
        m6_FiltDropRec()           m6_FreeFilter()
        m6_FiltGoRec()             m6_IsFiltRec()
        m6_FiltInfo()              m6_NewFilter()
        m6_FiltInverse()           m6_SetAreaFilter()

  You can find examples for the simpler RYO Filter implementations through-
  out the documentation.  For instance, an example of tagging records for
  customized browses can be found under the documentation for
  m6_FiltAddRec().  Therefore, the discussion here will focus on one of the
  more powerful uses of RYO filters -- filtering information on related

  Our example consists of accounts and payments, that are stored in the
  tables ACCOUNT.DBF and PAYMENT.DBF respectively.  There is a one to many
  relation- ship between the accounts and payments based on the ACCOUNT key
  field of AcctNo.

  In the example we would like to view all accounts in California that have
  made payments to their account by cash.  By conventional means this would
  be a difficult task.  As you will see, with RYO filters it is relatively
  painless and fast.

  *  Example of RYO filters and related tables

  #include "SIXCDX.CH"
  #include "MACHSIX.CH"

  clear screen

  // accounts and payments
  Use Account Via "SIXCDX"

  Use Payment Via "SIXCDX" New

  Select Account

  // In effect, we want to set a filter for the following condition
  // SET FILTER TO Account->State="CA" .and. Payment->PayCode='CASH'

  //....................create a filter for all records in California
  nAcctFilt := m6_NewFilter( "State='CA'")

  //.............convert record based filter to account number based
  nAcctFilt := RecNo2AcctNo( nAcctFilt )

  Select Payment

  //......................create a RYO filter for all "CASH" payments
  nPayFilt := m6_NewFilter( "PayCode='CASH'")

  //.............convert record based filter to account number based
  nPayFilt := RecNo2AcctNo( nPayFilt )

  //..........................................join filters  ( .AND. )
  m6_FiltJoin( nAcctFilt, nPayFilt, JOIN_INTERSECT )

  Select Account

  //...........................set tag to AcctNo for filter conversion
  set tag to AcctNo

  //..............convert account based filter to a record based filter
  nResult := AcctNo2RecNo( nAcctFilt )

  //..............................SET FILTER TO the RYO filter nResult
  m6_SetAreaFilter( nResult )

  //..................................go to first record in the filter
  go top

  //.................................................view the results


  #define MAX_ACCTNO  99999

  *..RecNo2AcctNo() -- Converts record based filter to Account based
  Function RecNo2AcctNo( nHandle )
    local nSaveOrder, nSaveRec, nNewFilter, nRecNo

    // index order and record number
    nSaveOrder := indexord()
    nSaveRec := RecNo()

    //..................................................set order to 0

    //.............................................create a empty filter
    nNewFilter := m6_NewFilter( MAX_ACCTNO )

    //.........................................get first record in filter
    nRecNo := m6_FiltTop( nHandle )

    //...............loop until we've processed all records in the filter
    do while nRecNo != 0

      //.................................................goto this record
      dbGoto( nRecNo )

      // account number in filter
      m6_FiltAddRec( nNewFilter, Field->nAcctNo )

      //........................................get next record in filter
      nRecNo := m6_FiltSkip( nHandle )


    // the record based filter
    m6_FreeFilter( nHandle )

    //...........................reset the index order and record pointer
    dbSetOrder( nSaveOrd )
    dbGoto( nSaveRec )

  Return ( nNewFilter )

  *..AcctNo2RecNo() -- Converts Account number based filter to record based
  Function AcctNo2RecNo( nHandle )
    local nSaveOrder, nSaveRec, nNewFilter, nAcctNo

    // record number
    nSaveRec := RecNo()

    //................................................create a empty filter
    nNewFilter := m6_NewFilter()

    //......................................get first account in the filter
    nAcctNo := m6_FiltTop( nHandle )

    //.................loop until we've processed all accounts in the filter
    do while nAcctNo != 0

      // to this account
      Seek nAcctNo

      // record number in filter
      m6_FiltAddRec( nNewFilter, RecNo() )

      //.........................................get next account in filter
      nAcctNo := m6_FiltSkip( nHandle )


    // the account based filter
    m6_FreeFilter( nHandle )

    //.................................................reset record pointer
    dbGoto( nSaveRec )

  Return ( nNewFilter )

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