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  How can I use extended expressions in my INDEX ON commands?:

  Clipper's "extended expressions" give developers a way to use variable
  expressions in commands that otherwise would take literal expressions.

  For example:

      cExp  := "LAST+FIRST"
      cFile := "FOOBAR.IDX"
      cFor  := "MARRIED == .T."

      INDEX ON (cExp) TO (cFile) FOR (cFor)

  Just surrounding an expression with parenthesis does not make it an
  extended expression.  The item in parens must be a variable as well.
  For example, the following would not be considered an extended expression:


  To use extended expressions with the SIx Driver's SIXCDX flavor, #include
  the SIXCDX2.CH file instead of the SIXCDX.CH file at the top of your source
  code.  If you are NOT using extended expressions, you should continue to
  use the standard SIXCDX.CH header file.

    NOTE: Under the SIXNSX flavor of the SIx Driver, the header files are
          named SIXNSX.CH and SIXNSX2.CH.  Under SIXNTX, the headers are
          called SIXNTX.CH and SIXNTX2.CH.

  One other alternative, is to simply call the indexing functions directly,
  passing them the required variables as parameters.  See the documentation
  for the OrdCondSet() function for details on this method, or study the
  pre-processed output of the INDEX ON command by compiling with Clipper's
  /p option.

See Also: OrdCondSet()

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