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  Verifying HiPer-SEEK Aliases:

  We have made repeated reference to a step called verification. We do this
  because when you create a HiPer-SEEK index, the system transforms the
  original text into a text signature that represents the original text in
  a coded form. When you search for a particular string, HiPer-SEEK looks
  in the index for any and all instances of signatures that contain all of
  the attributes of the string you are searching for. While this is a
  powerful technique, it does have one drawback. It is possible that two
  different strings will resolve to the same signature within the index.

  Consequently, when HiPer-SEEK returns a hit during a hs_Next() call, you
  must verify that the text you are searching for is actually contained in
  the returned record by performing a more conventional sub-string search
  with the target string.

  SIx 3.0's HiPer-SEEK system contains a function that will efficiently
  perform this verification, hs_Verify(). hs_Verify() is used to confirm
  that each identified text record does actually contain the search
  string(s). It returns .T. if successful and .F. if not.

    NOTE: hs_Verify() differs in operation to the CftsVerify() function
          found in CFTS, but is roughly 10 times faster.               

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