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   Syntax:   RDD_Info([nArea | cRDDName])

             nArea   = Workarea number.  Returns data about driver loaded in
                       specified area.
            cRDDName = Name of the driver to return info about.

  Returns:  <array> Six element array containing the following data:

              [1] = Driver name
              [2] = Logical flag indicating whether or not driver is
              [3] = Table extension
              [4] = Primary index extension
              [5] = Secondary index extension (or "")
              [6] = Memo file extension (or "")


            <array> An empty array if no table open in specified area or if
            an invalid driver name was specified.

  Description:  This function returns an array containing information about
                a database driver.  The driver can be specified in one of
                three ways:

                 Workarea #  - Returns information about the driver loaded
                               in the specified area.  Use 0 for current
                 Driver name - Returns information about the named driver.
                               Note that extension information is only
                               returned if driver has already been loaded.
                 <no param>  - Returns information about the default


    #include "SIXCDX.CH"        // Forces SIXCDX to be linked in

    REQUEST SIXNSX              // Forces SIXNSX to be linked in
    REQUEST SIXNTX              // Forces SIXNTX to be linked in

    LOCAL aRDDInfo, nCnt, nRDDCnt := RDD_Count()

    FOR nCnt := 1 TO nRDDCnt
      aRDDInfo := RDD_Info( RDD_Name( nCnt ))   // Fill aRDDInfo array

      ? "RDD Name.............: " + aRDDInfo[ 1 ]
      ? "Loaded?..............: " + iif( aRDDInfo[ 2 ], "Yes", "No" )
      ? "Table File Extension.: " + aRDDInfo[ 3 ]
      ? "Index File Extension.: " + aRDDInfo[ 4 ]
      ? "Secondary Index Ext..: " + aRDDInfo[ 5 ]
      ? "Memo File Extension..: " + aRDDInfo[ 6 ]

See Also: RDD_Count() RDD_Name() OrdBagExt() Sx_MemoExt()

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