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Function:    BUZZ()

Purpose:     Generate a buzzing sound for warnings or errors.

Syntax:      BUZZ( [ count ] )

Arguments:   count       - Optional numeric variable specifying the number
                           of times to make a BUZZ sound.  If no parameter
                           is specified, one BUZZ will be sounded.

Returns:     A numeric zero.

Description: Whenever you want to make the PC speaker emit a short "BUZZ"
             sound, such as when the user encounters an error condition,
             the Clipper function to do this is TONE(frequency,duration).
             For a Buzz sound, the frequency would be 100Khz and the
             duration should be around 6/18ths of a second.  Instead of
             having to remember the command TONE(100,6) as being the
             command to make a BUZZ sound, it is easier to simply use a
             function named BLIP(), BUZZ(), or BEEP().

Notes:       Nothing weird.

Example:     *-- user does something wrong

             *-- user does something really wrong!

Source:      RL_BUZZ.PRG

See also:    BEEP(), BLIP()

See Also: BEEP() BLIP()

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