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What Is RLIB?

   RLIB is a Clipper function library that furnishes the application
   programmer a collection of routines to aid in rapid program
   development.  RLIB also contains a set of sophisticated high level
   functions to help you build intuitive end user applications.

   Good applications require a solid and consistent user interface.
   Creating routines for menus, data entry and editing is a time
   consuming process, one we all hope to avoid on a repetitive basis.
   RLIB is a collection of functions that simplify a wide range of
   applications oriented programming tasks such as creating and
   maintaining menus, message boxes, database record selection routines,
   network locking functions and much more.

   The first publicly released version of RLIB, version 2.0 was very
   popular because the RLIB functions let you produce applications
   quickly!  There are many products that help improve programmer
   productivity, such as application and code generators, some of which
   rely on the template concept.  RLIB permits the programmer to retain
   control over code creation and still crank out slick, powerful
   applications at a high level.  The programmer using RLIB functions
   does not have to learn any applications development system, just draw
   from a rich set of high level and versatile functions.  RLIB will not
   create applications for you, but you can significantly speed up your
   application prototyping and development time.

   RLIB version 3.0 continues this tradition.  Several functions have
   been expanded and many new ones have been added, all with the same
   intent - to help the Clipper programmer develop good, consistent
   applications quickly!  Hey, isn't that what we all want?

   There are many libraries available for Clipper programmers that
   provide indispensable functions.  Most of these library functions are
   written in C and Assembler and provide access to features which are
   not currently supported in Clipper.  RLIB was not designed to provide
   these types of functions, which are widely available from a number of
   sources and provide excellent functionality.  RLIB was designed for
   the Clipper programmer that creates customized application programs
   and systems and who is interested in using a collection of functions
   to make this job faster and above all, consistent.

   All RLIB functions are written in Clipper and all of the routines that
   RLIB utilizes are in the CLIPPER and EXTEND libraries distributed in
   the Clipper package.  Clipper has a rich set of commands and
   functions.  If you are curious as to some of the capabilities of
   Clipper, then check out the functions in RLIB.  They are ALL WRITTEN
   100% IN CLIPPER!

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