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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Ralf Brown's Interrupt List (Part 1,2) - int 15 - desqview 2.0 (topview???) - start new application in new process [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
        AX = 102Ch
        ES:DI -> contents of .PIF/.DVP file (see below)
        BX = size of .PIF/.DVP info
Return: BX = segment of object handle for new task
             0000h on error

Format of .PIF/.DVP file:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    reserved (0)
 02h 30 BYTEs   blank-padded program title
 20h    WORD    maximum memory to allocate to partition in K
 22h    WORD    minimum memory required in K
 24h 64 BYTEs   ASCIZ program pathname
 64h    BYTE    default drive letter ('A',...)
 65h 64 BYTEs   ASCIZ default directory name
 A5h 64 BYTEs   ASCIZ program parameters
 E5h    BYTE    initial screen mode (0-7) (see also offset 189h)
 E6h    BYTE    number of text pages used
 E7h    BYTE    number of first interrupt to save
 E8h    BYTE    number of last interrupt to save
 E9h    BYTE    rows in virtual screen buffer
 EAh    BYTE    columns in virtual screen buffer
 EBh    BYTE    initial window position, row
 ECh    BYTE    initial window position, column
 EDh    WORD    system memory in K
 EFh 64 BYTEs   ASCIZ shared program name
12Fh 64 BYTEs   ASCIZ shared program data file
16Fh    BYTE    flags1
                bit 7: writes text directly to screen
                bit 6: runs in foreground only
                bit 5: uses math coprocessor
                bit 4: accesses system keyboard buffer directly
                bits 3-1: reserved (0)
                bit 0: swappable
170h    BYTE    flags2
                bit 6: uses command-line parameters in field at A5h
                bit 5: swaps interrupt vectors
---information unique to .DVP files---
171h  2 BYTEs   keys to use on open menu
173h    WORD    size of script buffer in bytes
175h    WORD    automatically give up CPU after this many tests for keyboard
                input in one clock tick (default 0 = never)
177h    BYTE    nonzero = "uses own colors"
178h    BYTE    nonzero if application swappable
179h  3 BYTEs   reserved (0)
17Ch    BYTE    nonzero to automatically close on exit
17Dh    BYTE    nonzero if copy-protect floppy is required
---information unique to DESQview 2.0+---
17Eh    BYTE    .DVP version number
                00h DESQview 1.2+
                01h DESQview 2.0+
                02h DESQview 2.2+
17Fh    BYTE    reserved (0)
180h    BYTE    initial number of rows in physical window
181h    BYTE    initial number of columns in physical window
182h    WORD    maximum expanded memory to allow, in K
184h    BYTE    flags3
                bit 7: automatically assign window position
                bit 5: maximum memory value has been specified
                bit 4: disallow "Close" command
                bit 3: foreground-only when doing graphics
                bit 2: don't virtualize
185h    BYTE    keyboard conflict level (0-4 for DV<2.26, 00h-0Fh for DV2.26+)
186h    BYTE    number of graphics pages used
187h    WORD    extra system memory size
189h    BYTE    initial screen mode (FFh = default) (overrides offset E5h)
---information unique to DESQview 2.2+---
18Ah    BYTE    serial port usage
                FFh uses all serial ports
                00h no serial ports
                01h only COM1
                02h only COM2
18Bh    BYTE    flags4
                bit 7: automatically close application on exit if .COM or .EXE
                bit 6: swappable if not using serial ports
                bit 5: start program with window hidden (v2.26+)
                bit 4: start program in background (v2.26+)
                bit 3: virtualize text
                bit 2: virtualize graphics
                bit 1: share CPU when foreground
                bit 0: share EGA when foreground and zoomed
18Ch    BYTE    protection level for 386 machines
18Dh 19 BYTEs   reserved (0)

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