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Appendix B
RaSQL/B File Structure String Definition

A RaSQL/B file structure definition consists of a concatenation of a series 
of 32-character strings, one for each field, or a series of 32-character 
strings stored in an array, one for each field.  In either case, the format 
of each 32-character string is shown in the template:


    F(20)     is the field name. Maximum length is 20 characters. Future 
              programming will be easier if you keep field names unique 
              within the first ten characters.                         

    T(2)      is the two-character code for the field's Btrieve data type. 
              Type codes are listed in Appendix A.

    L(5)      is a five-digit internal field length. Leading zeros may be 
              suppressed. Valid lengths are listed in Appendix A. The sum of 
              the Len values for all fields (excluding variable length 
              field, if any) must add up to the actual length of the fixed 
              portion of the Btrieve record or you will get unpredictable 
              results.  If there is "filler" at the end of the record, that 
              must be accounted for, too. For a variable length field (M or 
              ML), specify the maximum length of the field. Keep this number 
              as low as you reasonably can. Doing so will not affect disk 
              space, but it will use memory more efficiently.

    "."       Literal decimal point.  May be left blank for non-numeric 
              fields or numeric fields with no decimal positions (e.g., 

    D(2)      is the number of digits after the decimal point. You may omit 
              leading zeros and left-justify the number. Ignored for non-
              numeric fields.

    b         is a one byte filler that is reserved for future use. Leave 

    ";"       is a trailing semicolon and is required.      

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