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N_XALIAS()      Get the filename portion of the table open in the current area
N_XAMAKENDX()   Add a supplemental index to a table
N_XAMAKETBL()   Create table from specified arrays or string definitions
N_XAPPEND()     Append into current table from specified table
N_XATABLE()     Store Xtrieve dictionary table names in an array
N_XBOF()        Determine if pointer is at top of table
N_XCLOSE()      Close table in current area, or all tables
N_XCLRBUF()     Clear all fields in current record buffer
N_XCOLLATE()    Specifies user-define collating sequence
N_XCVTYPE()     Get an Btrieve data type from a RaSQL type code, or vice versa
N_XDBF()        Get name of Btrieve file open in current area
N_XDEC()        Get number of decimal positions in specified field
N_XDEFEXT()     Set the default file type
N_XDELETE()     Delete current row in current table
N_XDELSKIP()    Force RaSQL to make the next record current after DELETE()
N_XDNLOAD()     Download current table to specified DBF Table
N_XDROPNDX()    Remove supplemental index
N_XDSTRUCT()    Returns file structure string from currently open DBF
N_XEOF()        Determine if row pointer is beyond the end of current table
N_XERRLVL()     Set RaSQL/B error handling mode
N_XERRMSG()     Get text error message by passing error number
N_XERROR()      Get error code from most recent function
N_XFCOUNT()     Get number of fields in the current table
N_XFETCH()      Store value from field(s) into specified memory variable(s)
N_XFIELD()      Get Nth field name in current table
N_XFILTER()     Create client-server filter
N_XFMAP()       Get Btrieve file name associated with an Xtrieve table
N_XFOUND()      Determine if exact match was found from N_XSEEK()
N_XFRECSIZ()    Get length of fixed length portion of record
N_XFSTRUCT()    Returns file structure string from XTRIEVE table
N_XGATHER()     Move data from array to record in table
N_XGOTO()       Move record pointer to specified physical record position
N_XGOTOBOT()    Move pointer to last row of current table
N_XGOTOTOP()    Move to top of current table
N_XHARDWRITE()  Select Btrieve's or Clipper's write
N_XINDEXKEY()   Get field list for specified index number
N_XINDEXTYPE()  Get attributes of a specified index
N_XINSERT()     Insert new record into current table
N_XLASTREC()    Get number of records in current table
N_XLEN()        Get display length of specified field
N_XLOGIN()      Log program into Btrieve
N_XLOGOUT()     Log out user from Btrieve
N_XMAKEDBF()    Create extendedstructure DBF from current table
N_XMAKENAME()   Get valid Clipper field name from Btrieve field name
N_XMAKENDX()    Create a supplemental index for the currently open table
N_XMAKETBL()    Create table from extendedstructure DBF
N_XMEMOLEN()    Get length of variable length field in current record
N_XMEMOWIDTH()  Set the maximum length of a variable length field
N_XNORESET()    Suppress Btrieve reset operation at start of program
N_XNUM()        Get the number of the specified field in current table
N_XOPENMODE()   Set specific mode for opening tables
N_XORDER()      Set order to specified index number
N_XOWNER()      Set/get owner for opening/creating tables
N_XPACK0C()     Specifies sign flag for packed decimal (money) fields
N_XPAGEMAX()    Get maximum page size for the current Btrieve configuration
N_XPAGESIZE()   Set page size for tables created with N_XAMAKETBL()
N_XPATH()       Set default path for Btrieve data files
N_XRASQL()      Verify the RaSQL library name
N_XRECNO()      Determine current record position
N_XRECSIZ()     Get display record size
N_XREPLACE()    Replace field(s) in current record buffer with specified data
N_XRLOCK()      Lock current record
N_XSAFETY()     Set overwrite safety on or off
N_XSCATTER()    Move data from current record into an array
N_XSEEK()       Retrieve record by index key
N_XSEEKEQ()     Seek exact match
N_XSEEKGE()     Find key greater than or equal to specified value
N_XSEEKGT()     Find key greater than specified value
N_XSEEKLE()     Find key less than or equal to specified value
N_XSEEKLT()     Find key less than specified value
N_XSELECT()     Select Btrieve table
N_XSETALLOC()   Preallocate disk space for a file
N_XSETFLAGS()   Set Btrieve file definition flags
N_XSKIP()       Move up or down sequentially in current table
N_XSLEN()       Get internal, stored length of specified field
N_XSOFTSEEK()   Turn soft seek On or Off Softseek
N_XSRECCON()    Get raw stored record contents as a string
N_XSRECSIZ()    Get internal, stored length of record
N_XTRANCAN()    Cancel (rollback) transaction
N_XTRANOFF()    Stop transaction
N_XTRANON()     Start transaction
N_XTYPE()       Get Btrieve data type of specified field
N_XUNLOCK()     Release most recent N_XRLOCK() in current table or all tables
N_XUPDATE()     Write data into table, overwriting current record
N_XUPLOAD()     Upload a DBF to the current table
N_XUSE()        Open Btrieve file in current area
N_XVARSTRU()    Define variant definition for current Btrieve file
N_XVERSION()    Returns Btrieve or RaSQL version information
N_XVIA()        Specify the default RDD
N_XZAP()        Delete all records in current table

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