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       SYSTEM  -  The SYSTEM submenu contains  options that pertain
       to  the  hardware/software  environment   plus  some   other
       global options listed below:

       Fast       : Whenever RA is activated in local  mode  and
       logons       this option is set, it is assumed that it is
                    the sysop who is logging on, and you will be
                    prompted for a password only.  If  you press
                    [CR]  at the password prompt RA will ask for
                    a full user name.

       Check      : When running more than one line,  you should
       multi        set CHECK MULTI to "Yes".  This will prevent
                    a user from logging on to more than one line
                    at the same time,  and effectively using his
                    /her entire daily time limit  on  EACH LINE.

       Remote     : If you never (or rarely) call  your own  BBS
       sysop        remotely,  you should disallow sysop  remote
                    access by setting REMOTE SYSOP to "No". This
                    makes it  almost impossible  for  an unknown
                    "hacker" to gain  access to your system  via
                    your own  account.

       Exclude    : If enabled,   this  option  will  cause  the
       sysop        sysops name  to be omitted from a User List,
                    List of Today's Callers, Who Else Is Online,
                    and the Last Caller functions.

       Text       : By  inserting a special control  code  in  a
       shells       textfile  it is  possible  to  automatically
                    activate a program in a shell when the  text
                    file is displayed.  As explained in the TEXT
                    FILE  CONTROL  CODES   section,   there  are
                    important security considerations  that must
                    be looked  into if  you intend  to use  this
                    feature. If you aren't going to use it,  set
                    TEXT SHELLS to "No".

       Log        : The logging  format  is  determined  by this
       style        option.  The "Expanded" format mode contains
                    more information, including  the line number
                    in  a  multi-line  system.   The   "Compact"
                    format is less detailed.

       Multi      : If  you  are  installing  RemoteAccess  on a
       node         multi-node site (ie.  you  are going  to  be
                    running more  than one  node),  you MUST set
                    this option  to "Yes".  This  enables  extra
                    file/message  checking  routines  to  ensure
                    that a conflict between two lines  accessing
                    the same data  never  arises.   If  you  are
                    running only one line,  setting  this option
                    to "Off"   will  disable  this  checking and
                    significantly    increases    the   system's
                    operating speed.

       Enviro-    : The ENVIRONMENT option  refers  to  the type
       nment        of multi-tasking  system that  you  will  be
                    running RemoteAccess under. If set to "Auto-
                    detect",   RemoteAccess  will   attempt   to
                    determine the multitasker  in  use  when  it
                    fires  up.   On    some  hardware / software
                    configurations  it  may   not   be  able  to
                    correctly  detect   it's   environment.   To
                    overcome this, you can force RemoteAccess to
                    "assume" that it is running under a specific
                    multitasker.   Those   currently   supported
                    are DoubleDOS, DESQview, TopView, MultiLink,
                    PC-MOS/386  and the  "standard" AT BIOS.  RA
                    will time-slice,  or  give  up  CPU time, to
                    other tasks  when it  is waiting  for a call
                    or at a prompt.  The result is a significant
                    overall system performance improvement.

       Screen     : To avoid screen  "burn in"  on  the "waiting
       blank        for call"  display,   set  the  SCREEN BLANK
                    to the number of  seconds you would like the
                    display to remain  visible  after  the  last
                    activity.   This  is  a {+} registered  only

       After      : After RA  displays  a  system  message,  the
       msgs         default action is  to wait  for  one  second
                    before returning to the  current  menu.  You
                    may alter  this  wait  period by setting the
                    AFTER MSGS option to the  desired number  of
                    seconds.  If  you  set  this  field to zero,
                    instead  of waiting for  a few  seconds,  RA
                    will prompt  the user to press the Enter key
                    to continue.

       ALT-J      : If enabled,  this option will  cause Remote-
       swap         Access to swap itself out of memory   before
                    a  sysop shell  to DOS.   This  will  enable
                    programs   that  require  a large  amount of
                    memory  to  be  run.    NOTE:  the  swapping
                    process will take a few seconds.

       IEMSI      : The IEMSI option simply allows you to enable
                    or disable RemoteAccess' IEMSI capabilities.
                    IEMSI is  fully explained in  the  reference
                    section at the end of  this  manual. Setting
                    this  option  to  "Only"  will  force  RA to
                    permit IEMSI logons only.

       Pwd echo   : The  PWD ECHO allows  you  to  define  which
                    character is echoed  back to  the  user when
                    any password  is  entered. If  this  if left
                    blank,  no  character is  echoed back to the

       Auto ANSI  : When the  user  logs  on,  if AUTO  ANSI  is
                    enabled RA will attempt to determine if  the
                    calling terminal has ANSI  capabilities.  If
                    it has, the file LOGO.ANS will be  displayed
                    instead of LOGO.ASC.

       Pwd        : PWD TRIES sets the maximum number of invalid
       tries        password  attempts at logon. After  this  is
                    exceeded the user will be disconnected.

       Pwd        : PWD CHANGE is another security  feature.  If
       change       this is set to any  non-zero value, then all
                    users  (excluding the sysop)  will be forced
                    to change their  password  every  number  of
                    logons as determined by its value.

       Pwd        : PWD STRICT is an invaluable security feature
       strict       which  if enabled, will check passwords that
                    users  enter.   You  can   specify   certain
                    undesirable passwords in a control file (see
                    the  section  on  EXTERNAL FILES),  such  as
                    "Secret" or "Test".  It  will also  disallow
                    the user's  first or last name as a password
                    and  checks the  old and  new  passwords for
                    phonetic similarity.

       Pwd        : You  may specify the minimum password length
       length       that  users  may  select.  Longer  passwords
                    mean  better   security,   a  value  of 4 is
                    recommended  as  an  absolute minimum.

       Logon      : This option  specifies   how  much  time  to
       time         grant to a user  before the system knows how
                    much time he/she  is entitled to. You should
                    make this long  enough to  enable a new user
                    to  complete the   new  user  procedure  and
                    questionnaire, if you  have one.

       User       : USER TIMEOUT determines  how  long  to  wait
       timeout      during   periods   of   inactivity    before
                    disconnecting.   The inactive time period is
                    measured from the last character sent to the
                    modem, and users are  given a  warning  that
                    they  are  about to be disconnected  fifteen
                    seconds  before   the  timer  expires.  This
                    feature is automatically disabled  in  local
                    mode, or by a setting of zero.

       Watchdog   : If a  user  logs  on   and  is  disconnected
       area         because   he/she   enters  his/her  password
                    incorrectly,  RemoteAccess  can notify  that
                    user of a possible attempt  at guessing  the
                    password,  by  way of a private message.  In
                    the WATCHDOG AREA field, specify the message
                    area  number   (as   per   your   msg   area
                    configuration)  that  the   warning  message
                    should be  placed   in.  A  value   of  zero
                    disables  this  feature.  In  addition,  you
                    will need  to  create  an  ASCII  text  file
                    called   " WATCHDOG.MSG "  in   the   system
                    directory that contains the text of the  msg
                    that is sent to the user.

       Sysop      : Before  a   user  is   disconnected,   after
       area         incorrectly  entering  their  password, they
                    are given the opportunity  to  enter  a  msg
                    to the  sysop.  The SYSOP AREA defines which
                    area the  msg is placed in.

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