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       Special optional data switches

       There  are two special "switches" which may be placed at the
       end of the optional data field for any menu command:

       /NS    : This switch suppresses the usual clear screen  code
                that   RemoteAccess   sends  when  a  new  menu  is
                displayed, and is only useful when used with a menu
                navigation (GOTO, GOSUB etc) command.

       /K=xxx : {+}  Registered  only.    This  switch  places  the
                specified text <xxx> into  the user's  input buffer
                to be processed  exactly as  if it had been entered
                as a stacked command. This is an extremely powerful
                facility which can be used to link a number of menu
                commands together,  and customise a large number of
                hard-coded selection menus.

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