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                                VIDEO HARDWARE

 Video Hardware Variables - These variables indicate the kind of video
 card(s) and display(s) that qinit detected:

   Variable              Description
 -------------         ---------------------------------------------------
   active_disp_dev       (Type: char) Code for the Active Display Device.
                         Using IBM's Display Combination Code (DCC), qinit
                         detects the video adapter combined with the video
                         display.  The codes have been set to the following
                         macros.  Note that monochrome is odd and color is

                           Macro      Code  Description
                           ---------- ----- --------------------------------
                           no_display 0x00  No display
                           mda_mono   0x01  MDA with 5151 monochrome display
                           cga_color  0x02  CGA with 5153/4 color display
                           dcc3       0x03  reserved
                           ega_color  0x04  EGA with 5153/4 color
                           ega_mono   0x05  EGA with 5151 monochrome
                           pgc_color  0x06  PGC with 5175 color
                           vga_mono   0x07  VGA with analog monochrome
                           vga_color  0x08  VGA with analog color
                           dcc9       0x09  reserved
                           dcc10      0x0A  reserved
                           mcga_mono  0x0B  MCGA with analog monochrome
                           mcga_color 0x0C  MCGA with analog color
                           n/a        0x0D to 0xFE - reserved
                           unknown    0xFF  unknown device

   active_disp_dev_3270  (Type: char) Code for the Active Display Device on
                         the 3270 PC.  Only the 0xFF code corresponds to the
                         macro "unknown".

                           Code  Monitor       Adapter
                           ----  ------------  ---------------------
                           0x00  5151 or 5272  for 5151 or 5272
                           0x01  3295          for 3295
                           0x02  5151 or 5272  for 5151 or 5272 plus
                                               XGA graphics
                           0x03  5279          3270 PC G
                           0x04  5379 C01      3270 PC GX
                           0x05  5379 M01      3270 PC GX
                           0x06  reserved
                           0x07  reserved
                           0xFF  Unknown, not a 3270 PC

   alt_disp_dev          (Type: char) Code for the Alternate Display Device.
                         This code is detected by qinit for a second (but
                         inactive) adapter and display, just in case there
                         are dual monitors.  It uses the same macros as
                         active_disp_dev listed above.

   alt_disp_dev_pcc      (Type: int) Code for the Alternate Display adapter
                         on the PC Convertible.  In hex, it corresponds to
                         the model number of the attached device:

                           Model   Description
                           ------  --------------------
                           0x   0  No alternate adapter
                           0x5140  LCD
                           0x5153  CGA type
                           0x5151  Monochrome type

   cardseg               (Type: int) Video segment address of the video
                         "card" as detected by qinit.

   cardsnow              (Type: char) Set to 1 for wait-for-retrace for the
                         video "card" as detected by qinit.

   egainfo               (Type: macro) Returns the value at 0x0040:0x0087
                         which has the following information when the EGA
                         (or VGA) is present:

                           Bits  Description
                           ----  -------------------------------------------
                           7     (0) Clear, (1) Keep video data after
                                 video mode set
                           6,5   (00) 64k, (01), 128k, (10) 192k, (11) 256k,
                                 memory on the card.
                           4     Reserved
                           3     (0) EGA active, (1) EGA not active
                           2     (0) Disable,    (1) Enable wait-for-display
                           1     (0) CD/ECD      (1) MD attached
                           0     (0) Active,     (1) Inactive CD emulation

   egaswitches           (Type: macro) Using the value this macro points to,
                         you can determine the monitor connected to the EGA,
                         the alternate video system, and the start up
                         default.  The byte is a copy of how the dip
                         switches are set on the card where on=0 and off=1.
                         The primary is the default.  When the ECD is set
                         for 640x200, it is emulating the CD including the
                         cursor mode.  qinit directly tests for the
                         alternate device rather than assuming it.

                           Switch    Primary             Secondary
                           --------  ------------------- -------------------
                           0000 = 0  MDA + MD            EGA + CD - 40x25
                           0001 = 1  MDA + MD            EGA + CD - 80x25
                           0010 = 2  MDA + MD            EGA + ECD (640x200)
                           0011 = 3  MDA + MD            EGA + ECD (640x350)
                           0100 = 4  CGA + CD - 40x25    EGA + MD
                           0101 = 5  CGA + CD - 80x25    EGA + MD
                           0110 = 6  EGA + CD - 40x25    MDA + MD
                           0111 = 7  EGA + CD - 80x25    MDA + MD
                           1000 = 8  EGA + ECD (640x200) MDA + MD
                           1001 = 9  EGA + ECD (640x350) MDA + MD
                           1010 =10  EGA + MD            CGA + CD - 40x25
                           1011 =11  EGA + MD            CGA + CD - 80x25

   have_3270             (Type: char) If qinit detects 3270 PC equipment or
                         software, this variable is set to 1.  In addition,
                         the active_disp_dev is either mda_mono or
                         cga_color.  Note that there may or may not be
                         graphics capability in either case; qinit is not
                         meant to detect graphics.  See active_disp_dev_3270
                         for codes.

   have_ps2              (Type: char) qinit sets have_ps2 to true if the DCC
                         is supported.  This means that the program has
                         detected a PS/2 video card whether it is integrated
                         on a model 30, a PS/2 Display Adapter installed on
                         an IBM XT, or the like.  It also means that either
                         MCGA or VGA is present, but not necessarily active.
                         To know which, just check the DCC.

   herc_model            (Type: char) Model of the attached Hercules video
                         card.  If no card is detected, then

                           Macro         Code  Description
                           ------------  ----  ---------------------
                           no_herc        0    No Hercules card
                           hgc_mono       1    HGC
                           hgc_plus       2    HGC Plus
                           herc_incolor   3    Hercules InColor Card

   maxpage               (Type: char) Maximum possible 0-based video page
                         number.  See TABLE 1 in QWIKC20C.DOC for ranges.

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