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 PP_ADVECT()      Increment the execution-limit counter
 PP_CENUM()       Return the current code entry number
 PP_CHKPP()       Verify the integrity of the control file
 PP_COMPNO()      Return the "computer number"
 PP_COPYCHK()     Verify the copy protection
 PP_COPYWRITE()   Create the copy protection file
 PP_CRPPP()       Create a new control file with blank data
 PP_EXECT()       Return the current execution counter value
 PP_EXELM()       Return the current execution counter limit value
 PP_EXPDATE()     Return the expiration date
 PP_EXPIRED()     Is this application expired? (by execution limit or date)
 PP_EXPTYPE()     Return the expiration type
 PP_GETVAR()      Create PUBLIC variables from control file
 PP_KILLPROT()    Remove the copy protection
 PP_NEXECT()      Reset the execution counter value
 PP_NEXELM()      Reset a new execution limit value
 PP_NEXPTYPE()    Reset the expiration type and date or execution count limit
 PP_NPDATE()      Return payment expiration date of next month
 PP_SAVEPP()      Save changed control file data
 PP_SERIAL()      Return the product serial number
 PP_UCODE()       Return which user (hidden) code was entered, if any
 PP_UNLOCK()      Unlock the program (from date or execution count expiration)
 PP_UPDDATE()     Updates the last time used fields
 PP_VALDATE()     Validates last date and time used > current date and time

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