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INT 14h,  04h (4)         Advanced Initialization                       Some

          ah = 4      Advanced Initialization (not supported on all systems)
                    Call with:  al = 0/1  no break/break
                                bh = Parity,    0 = none     3 = stick odd
                                                1 = odd      4 = stick even
                                                2 = even
                                bl = 0/1 Stop bits set to 1/2
                                ch = Word size, 0 = 5 bits   2 = 7 bits
                                                1 = 6 bits   3 = 8 bits

                                cl = Baud rate, 0 =  110     5 =  2400
                                                1 =  150     6 =  4800
                                                2 =  300     7 =  9600
                                                3 =  600     8 = 19200
                                                4 = 1200

See Also: INT 14h, 00h

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