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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Programmers Reference 0.02b - <b>int 10h, 05h (5) set active display page</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
INT 10h,  05h (5)        Set Active Display Page

    Sets the active display page.

       On entry:      AH         05h
                      AL         Display page number

       Returns:       None

       Registers destroyed:      AX, SP, BP, SI, DI

                         Legal Page Values (AL)

               Video Mode                   LegalPages
                   00h                         0-7
                   01h                         0-7
                   02h                         0-3
                   03h                         0-3
                   04h                          0
                   05h                          0
                   06h                          0
                   07h                          0
                   08h                          0
                   09h                          0
                   0Ah                          0
                   0Dh                         0-7
                   0Eh                         0-3
                   0Fh                         0-1
                   10h                         0-1

       Notes:         The contents of a display page are not destroyed
                      when the current display page is changed. In fact,
                      you can write to an inactive page, then switch to
                      it--thereby producing fast screen updates.

                      Use Service 0Fh to determine the current active
                      display page.

See Also: INT 10h, 0Fh

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