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X-Hacker.org- Programmers Reference 0.02b - <b>int 2fh (47) multiplex interrupt (print) . dos 3.1</b>
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INT 2Fh (47) Multiplex Interrupt (PRINT) . DOS 3.1
Provides control of the PRINT spooler.
On entry: AH 01h
AL Function to be performed
Functions: AL 0 Get installed state
1 Submit file
2 Cancel file
3 Cancel all files
4 Status
5 End of status
Error codes: 1 Invalid function
2 File not found
3 Path not found
4 Too many open files
5 Access denied
8 Queue full
9 Busy
12 Name too long
15 Invalid drive
Returns: See below
AL = 0 Get Installed State
On entry: AH 01h
AL 00h
Returns: AL 00h Not installed, okay to install
01h Not installed, not okay to install
FFh Installed
AL = 1 Submit File
On entry: AH 01h
AL 01h
DS:DX Pointer to submit packet
Returns: AX Error code (see above)
The submit packet must include a "level" value (one byte; for DOS 3.1
through 3.3, the level value must be 0), followed by an ASCIIZ string
containing the drive, path, and filename of the file to be printed.
Wildcard characters are not supported.
AL = 2 Cancel File (remove from queue)
On entry: AH 01h
AL 02h
DS:DX Pointer to ASCIIZ string specifying file to
be cancelled.
Returns: AX Error code (see above)
Wildcard characters are supported.
AL = 3 Cancel All Files (purge queue)
On entry: AH 01h
AL 03h
AL = 4 Status (inspect queue)
On entry: AH 01h
AL 04h
Returns: DX Error count
DS:SI Pointer to print queue
The error count reports the number of consecutive failures experienced
by PRINT in outputting the most recent character.
The print queue, pointed to by DS:SI, is a series of 64-byte entries
specifying the files to be printed. The file currently being printed
appears first. The end of the queue is indicated by an entry beginning
with 00h.
A call to Status freezes the files in the queue. Call End of Status
(AL=5) to release the files for printing.
AL = 5 End of Status
On entry: AH 01h
AL 05h
Returns: AX Error code (see above)
See Also: INT 2Fh...
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