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X-Hacker.org- Programmers Reference 0.02b - <b>function 01h (1) read keyboard character and echo</b>
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Function 01h (1) Read Keyboard Character and Echo
Reads a character from the standard input device (usually the
keyboard), and echoes it to the standard output device (usually the
On entry: AH 01h
Returns: AL Character read
Extended ASCII For the special keys, such as the cursor and
function keys, this function returns a 0 in AL; call
the function again to read the extended code of the
special character. (See the Key codes for a listing
of the extended codes.)
Ctrl-Break & DOS generates an INT 23h.
Note: This function checks for Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-C. Use
Function 07h if you don't wish to check Ctrl-Break
and Ctrl-C.
See Also: 06h 07h 08h 0Ah 0Ch Keyboard Codes
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