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PKZIP Error Messages
PKZIP: (E01) Can't create: XXXXX.
The named file could not be created. Either the target directory is full
or the file already exists and is read-only or locked by another
application. On a Network you may receive this message if you do not have
file creation rights in the directory.
PKZIP: (E[2,3]) XXXXX.ZIP - error in ZIP, use PKZIPFIX.
The named .ZIP file has a corrupted file index. Use PKZIPFIX to attempt
reconstruction of the .ZIP file. In some cases the damage to the .ZIP
file may be very extensive. If the file is too badly damaged PKZIPFIX
will not be able to recover the file.
NOTE: Many novice users receive this message because of improper command
line syntax. If you specify a command line with only one file name
following PKZIP and it is NOT a .ZIP file you will receive this message.
PKZIP assumes that the file is a .ZIP file because you specified it as the
first file name on the command line, and it attempts to place all files
from the current directory into that file. Upon examination of the file
it will not find any .ZIP file information (due to its not being a .ZIP
file) and will then report this message. Please see the tutorial for
further information.
PKZIP: (E[4-11]) Insufficient memory.
Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
more memory available to PKZIP. If this does not rectify the problem then
the .ZIP file might be corrupted and PKZIPFIX should be used to fix the
.ZIP file. If you are creating a new .ZIP file and receive this message,
it is due to an attempt to ZIP a large number of files. Reduce the scope
of your command and try again. If you are using a LIST file in your PKZIP
command you may be receiving this error because the LIST file is too
large. See "List Files" for more information.
PKZIP: (E12) No file(s) found.
No matching files were found to list using the View option. This means
the filespec you specified on the command line has no match within the
.ZIP file.
PKZIP: (E12) No files specified for deletion!
The -d (Delete) option was specified but no filenames were given to
delete. This option does NOT default to *.* if no filenames are given.
PKZIP: (E12) Nothing to do!
No matching files, or files with the specified attributes, or files after
the specified date etc., were found to compress. Often you will receive
this message because the command line you entered is not correct. Check
the exact name of the file you are specifying as well as the path, if any.
PKZIP: (E13) Can't find: XXXXX.ZIP.
The named .ZIP file could not be found. Either it does not exist or is
not in the specified directory.
PKZIP: (E14) Insufficient disk space for ZIP comment.
There is insufficient disk space to hold the comment as entered. You will
need to move the .ZIP file somewhere with more free space, or clear up
more storage space in its current location. Note that a temporary copy of
the .ZIP file is not created. The .ZIP file comment is appended directly
to the existing .ZIP file.
PKZIP: (E14) Insufficient disk space for updated file: XXXXX.ZIP.
The -b option was used, and there is not enough space on the original
drive containing the .ZIP file to receive the updated .ZIP file. (The
update operation has added additional or larger files to the .ZIP file,
causing it to grow larger than the original). Try to free up some space
on the drive containing the .ZIP file, and retry the operation. Also,
make sure that the drive specified with the -b option is different than
the drive containing the .ZIP file.
PKZIP: (E14) Disk full, file: XXXXX.
A disk full error occurred while writing to the specified file. Try
freeing up some disk space on the target drive. Also, see the -b option
and the PKTMP environment variable.
PKZIP: (E15) Can't open XXXXX.ZIP for write access!
The named .ZIP file is read-only or locked by another application and can
not be modified. This may also occur on a Network drive if you do not
have adequate access to that file to allow you to modify it.
PKZIP: (E17) Too many files!
An attempt was made to compress more than 16,383 files at one time. This
message could be received if you update a .ZIP file which has a corrupted
central end directory.
PKZIP: (E24) Fatal EMS error: XXXXXXXX
PKZIP: (E25) Fatal XMS error: XXXXXXXX
An error has occured in the interaction between PKZIP and your EMS or XMS
handler. You may have a faulty EMS/XMS driver.
To be able to use PKZIP in spite of this problem, disable EMS/XMS usage
with either the - + or - - option or the configuration file options
Please contact PKWARE Technical Support with a description of the
situation in which the error occured, the brand and version of your EMS
driver, and the HEX code printed at the end of this error message.
PKZIP: (E26) Warning! DOS 3.0 or later needed to span disks
DOS versions below 3.0 do not support the features needed by PKZIP in
order to span a .ZIP file across multiple disks. You will need to upgrade
to a newer version of DOS in order to make use of this feature.
PKZIP: (E27) Warning! Non-removable or unsupported device
.ZIP files can only be spanned to a device which supports multiple storage
units (i.e. multiple floppy disks can be inserted in series into a floppy
drive). The device must also be a standard writable DOS device. .ZIP
files may not be spanned onto a device such as a Hard drive which cannot
be removed.
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