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  The diskette formats listed in Figure 5-2 aren't the only ones you can
  use for diskettes, but because diskettes are intended to be portable, the
  number of diskette formats that DOS recognizes is limited to those in the
  list. In the earliest releases of DOS, only the 160 KB and 320 KB formats
  could be used. Later DOS versions recognize higher-capacity diskette
  formats and fixed disks in addition to the original diskette formats
  (Figure 5-3).

  Disk                     Capacity        DOS Version      Media Descriptor
  51/4-inch diskette       160 KB          1.0              FEH
                           320 KB          1.1              FFH
                           180 KB          2.0              FCH
                           360 KB          2.0              FDH
                           1.2 MB          3.0              F9H
  31/2-inch diskette       720 KB          3.2              F9H
                           1.44 MB         3.3              F0H
  Fixed disk                               2.0              F8H

  Figure 5-3.  Standard DOS disk formats. The media descriptor value is used
  by DOS to identify different disk formats.

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