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             Takes an array or list of values and packs it into a
             binary  structure,  returning  the string containing
             the structure.  The TEMPLATE is a sequence of  char-
             acters  that  give  the order and type of values, as

                  A    An ascii string, will be space padded.
                  a    An ascii string, will be null padded.
                  c    A signed char value.
                  C    An unsigned char value.
                  s    A signed short value.
                  S    An unsigned short value.
                  i    A signed integer value.
                  I    An unsigned integer value.
                  l    A signed long value.
                  L    An unsigned long value.
                  n    A short in "network" order.
                  N    A long in "network" order.
                  f    A single-precision float in the native format.
                  d    A double-precision float in the native format.
                  p    A pointer to a string.
                  x    A null byte.
                  X    Back up a byte.
                  @    Null fill to absolute position.
                  u    A uuencoded string.
                  b    A bit string (ascending bit order, like vec()).
                  B    A bit string (descending bit order).
                  h    A hex string (low nybble first).
                  H    A hex string (high nybble first).

             Each letter may optionally be followed by  a  number
             which  gives  a repeat count.  With all types except
             "a", "A", "b", "B", "h" and "H", the  pack  function
             will  gobble up that many values from the LIST.  A *
             for the repeat count means to use however many items
             are  left.   The  "a"  and "A" types gobble just one
             value, but pack it as a string of length count, pad-
             ding  with  nulls  or  spaces  as  necessary.  (When
             unpacking, "A" strips trailing spaces and nulls, but
             "a"  does  not.)   Likewise,  the "b" and "B" fields
             pack a string that many bits long.  The "h" and  "H"
             fields  pack  a string that many nybbles long.  Real
             numbers (floats  and  doubles)  are  in  the  native
             machine  format  only;  due  to  the multiplicity of
             floating formats around, and the lack of a  standard
             "network"  representation,  no  facility  for inter-
             change has been made.  This means that packed float-
             ing  point  data  written  on one machine may not be
             readable on another - even if both use IEEE floating
             point  arithmetic  (as the endian-ness of the memory
             representation is not part of the IEEE spec).   Note
             that  perl  uses  doubles internally for all numeric
             calculation, and converting from double -> float  ->
             double   will   lose   precision  (i.e.  unpack("f",
             pack("f", $foo)) will not in general equal $foo).

                  $foo = pack("cccc",65,66,67,68);
                  # foo eq "ABCD"
                  $foo = pack("c4",65,66,67,68);
                  # same thing

                  $foo = pack("ccxxcc",65,66,67,68);
                  # foo eq "AB\0\0CD"

                  $foo = pack("s2",1,2);
                  # "\1\0\2\0" on little-endian
                  # "\0\1\0\2" on big-endian

                  $foo = pack("a4","abcd","x","y","z");
                  # "abcd"

                  $foo = pack("aaaa","abcd","x","y","z");
                  # "axyz"

                  $foo = pack("a14","abcdefg");
                  # "abcdefg\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"

                  $foo = pack("i9pl", gmtime);
                  # a real struct tm (on my system anyway)

                  sub bintodec {
                      unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));
             The same template may generally also be used in  the
             unpack function.

See Also: unpack

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