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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! PBMake 2.17G for Clipper, Xbase++, C and˙+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - Norton Guide [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]

      To effectively use a make engine, you will need to break your
      source modules in smaller units. Each function or group of
      functions should be compiled into it's own object.

      This allows Clipper to only compile in small chunks, and the
      linker will put it all together into the target file. In the case
      of Clipper the target file is an .EXE file.

      If you have your linker set to incremental mode, the entire
      compile and link process can be made extremely fast compared to
      compiling all objects and performing a total link.

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