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X-Hacker.org- PBMake 2.17G for Clipper, Xbase++, C andÿ+--------------------------------------------------------------+ - Norton Guide
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The INCLUDE= directive is optional and has the following
1. The time and date stamps of all files placed in the INCLUDE=
directives will be compared to the time and date stamps of all
of the objects.
2. Any object older than any file in the INCLUDE= directive will
be recompiled.
PBMake does not check to see if the source file contains an
actual reference to the include file.
The assumption is that ALL source depend on the INCLUDE=
Any file referenced in a INCLUDE= directive that does not exist as
an actual file will stop the make process with an appropriate
You can override the master INCLUDE= directive by using numbered
versions for each section. For example, you can:
INCLUDE3= mystuff.h
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