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      Go to a directory where you wish to institute a make process.

      At the DOS prompt, type:

      PBINIT <makefilename>

      where <makefilename> is the intended name of the make script.

      It makes sense to name it the same as the target/.EXE file it will
      create, so it's easy to remember. If you use an extension on
      <makefilename>, it will be removed, and changed to .MAK

       PBINIT will never overwrite an existing template. 

      The first time you ran PBINIT <makefilename> it also creates a
      file named MAKE.BAT and a file named MK.BAT.

      Running PBInit will allow you to create both a .MAK file and a
      .LNK file if you don't already have one. Just select the
      appropriate buttons, and PBInit will build full fledged link and
      make scripts for you. You can customize the link scripts by
      modifying the PBINIT.INI file.

      See the REFERENCE section of this Norton Guide, and select
      Initializer Tool section to get a comprehensive documentation of
      how the new 2.0x version has improved this ability.

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