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 Abs                            Absolute value of Var
 Absolute                       Var declared at absolute address
 Addr                           Returns offset of Var
 Append                         Open file, pointer at end of file
 Arc                            Draw an arc
 ArcTan                         Return arc tangent of Var
 Assign                         Assign filename string to FileVar
 AuxInPtr                       Address of AuxIn function
 AuxOutPtr                      Address of AuxOut function
 BlockRead                      Hi speed read of untyped files
 BlockWrite                     Hi speed write of untyped files
 Chain                          Execute a Turbo .CHN file
 ChDir                          Change disk subdirectory
 Chr                            Translate byte to ASCII character
 Circle                         Draw a circle
 Close                          Close a disk file
 ClrEol                         Erase from cursor to end of line
 ClrScr                         Clear the screen
 ColorTable                     Extension of pallette
 Concat                         Concatenate two or more strings
 ConInPtr                       Address of ConIn function
 ConOutPtr                      Address of ConOut function
 ConStPtr                       Address of console key function
 Copy                           Create substring from existing string
 Cos                            Return cosine of number
 CrtExit                        Issue terminal reset code
 CrtInit                        Issue terminal initialization string
 Cseg                           Return current code segment
 Delay                          Delay for specified millisecond count
 DelLine                        Delete line containing cursor
 Delete                         Delete substring from string
 Dispose                        Reclaim dynamic memory from variable
 Draw                           Draw a line between two points
 Dseg                           Return current data segment
 Eof                            Returns true if end of file reached
 Eoln                           Returns true if end of line reached
 Erase                          Erase disk file
 ErrorPtr                       Pointer to error handler routine
 Execute                        Execute a child Turbo .COM program
 Exit                           Quit the current program block
 Exp                            Returns exponential value of number
 FilePos                        Current file position pointer
 FileSize                       Returns size of disk file
 FillChar                       Fill a range of memory with value
 FillScreen                     Fill graphics screen window
 FillShape                      Fill graphics shape with color
 FillPattern                    Fill graphics rectangle with pattern
 Forward                        Using a Procedure before declaration
 Flush                          Force a write of sector buffer
 Form                           BCD formatted numeric and string output
 Frac                           Returns fractional part of number
 FreeMem                        Reclaim block of heap space memory
 Function                       Subroutine that returns a result
 GetDir                         Return subdirectory string
 GetDotColor                    Return color value at x,y
 GetMem                         Allocate heap space memory
 GetPic                         Copy rectangle into buffer
 Goto                           Jump to label in code
 GotoXY                         Set cursor col,row corrdinates
 GraphBackground                Set background color
 GraphColorMode                 Set 320x200 color mode
 GraphMode                      Set 320x200 B/W mode
 GraphWindow                    Define graphics window coordinates
 Halt                           Halt execution and return to DOS
 HeapPtr                        Current free heap space pointer
 Hi                             Xchg Lo,Hi bytes of Intger. Zero Hi.
 HiRes                          Set 640x200 mono graphics mode
 HiResColor                     Set 640x200 single color graphics mode
 Inline                         Execute inline assembler code
 Insert                         Insert substring into parent string
 InsLine                        Insert empty line at cursor position
 Int                            Return the integer part of a number
 Intr                           Perform software interrupt on Regs
 IOResult                       I/O operation return code
 KeyPressed                     Returns True if key pressed
 Length                         Returns length of specified string
 Ln                             Returns natural log of number
 Lo                             Sign extend Lo byte to integer value
 LongFilePos                    Returns current file position pointer
 LongFileSize                   Returns current file size
 LongSeek                       Set file pointer to long value
 LowVideo                       Set screen to lo intensity mode
 LstOutPtr                      Address of Lst function
 Mark                           Set heap pointer at variable offset
 MaxAvail                       Returns size of largest free heap block
 MemAvail                       Number of free paragraphs on heap
 Mem                            Byte array to access memory
 MemW                           Word array to access memory
 MkDir                          Create a new disk subdirectory
 Move                           Execute a mass memory move
 MsDos                          Call a DOS function
 New                            Create a new variable on the heap
 NormVideo                      Same as HighVideo - Intensity set on
 NoSound                        Turn off the speaker
 Odd                            Returns True if Integer is odd
 Ofs                            Returns memory offset of variable
 Ord                            Returns ordinal value of scalar
 Overlay                        Multiple procedures in same address
 OvrPath                        Search path for overlays on disk
 Palette                        Set specified graphics palette
 ParamCount                     Parameter count in command tail
 ParamStr                       Return specified command tail parm
 Pattern                        Define pattern for FillPattern
 Plot                           Plot point at specifed coordinates
 Port                           Byte access to ports 0-255
 PortW                          Word access to all ports
 Pos                            Returns position of string in string
 Pred                           Returns predecessor of number
 Procedure                      Define a subroutine
 Ptr                            Returns 32 bit seg:ofs of variable
 PutPic                         Dumps buffer to screen rectangle
 Random                         Returns a random number
 Randomize                      Seed the random number generator
 Read                           Read into file variables from file
 ReadLn                         Read until all variables full
 Release                        Release memory above MARKed address
 Rename                         Rename disk file
 Reset                          Set file pointer to top of file
 Rewrite                        Prepare new disk file for use
 RmDir                          Remove disk subdirectory
 Round                          Round number to nearest integer
 Seek                           Move disk file pointer (short)
 SeekEof                        Move disk file pointer to end of file
 SeekEoln                       Skip whitespace and test for line end
 Seg                            Returns segment of variable
 Sin                            Returns sine of number
 SizeOf                         Returns size of variable
 Sound                          Emit specified sound
 Sqr                            Returns the square of number
 Sqrt                           Returns square root of number
 Sseg                           Returns address of stack segment
 Str                            Converts numeric value to string value
 Succ                           Returns successor of number
 Swap                           Exchange hi,lo bytes of Integer value
 TextBackground                 Set background color
 TextColor                      Set character color
 TextMode                       Set text mode display
 Trunc                          Return integer closest to number
 UpCase                         Convert character to upper case
 UsrInPtr                       Pointer to UsrIn function
 UsrOutPtr                      Pointer to UsrOut function
 Val                            Convert string to numeric value
 WhereX                         Returns cursor column number
 WhereY                         Returns cursor row number
 Window                         Define active screen window coordinates
 Write                          Write variables to output
 WriteLn                        Write variables to output with Cr,Lf

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