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               Disk Partition Table (Fixed disk boot record)

       Offset     Represents:  (see format below)

        01BE        Partition 1 data table  (16 bytes)
        01CE        Partition 2 data table  (16 bytes)
        01DE        Partition 3 data table  (16 bytes)
        01EE        Partition 4 data table  (16 bytes)
        01FE        Signature  (hex 55 AA, 2 bytes)

      Offset from beginning of partition data shown above:

      Offset Size             Description

        00   byte   boot indicator
        01   byte   beginning sector head number
        02   byte   beginning sector (2 high bits of cylinder #)
        03   byte   beginning cylinder# (low order bits of cylinder #)
        04   byte   system indicator
        05   byte   ending sector head number
        06   byte   ending sector (2 high bits of cylinder #)
        07   byte   ending cylinder# (low order bits of cylinder #)
        08   dword  number of sectors preceding the partition
        0B   dword  number of sectors in the partition

      Boot indicator (BYTE)

        00  - non-bootable partition
        80  - bootable partition (one partition only)

      System Indicator (BYTE)

        00 - unknown operating system
        01 - DOS with 12 bit FAT, 16 bit sector number
        02 - XENIX
        04 - DOS with 16 bit FAT, 16 bit sector number
        05 - DOS Extended partition (DOS 3.3+)
        06 - DOS 4.0 (Compaq 3.31), 32 bit sector number
        51 - Ontrack extended partition
        64 - Novell
        75 - PCIX
        DB - CP/M
        FF - BBT


        Hex 55AA marks the end of valid boot sector.     This is also
        required in each of the partition boot records.


        2 bytes are combined to a word similar to INT 13:

        |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| 1st byte  (sector)
         | | +------------ Sector offset within cylinder
         +--------------- High order bits of cylinder #

        |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| 2nd byte  (cylinder)
         +----------------- Low order bits of cylinder #

        - all partitions begin on sector 1 head 0, except the first
          partition which follows the disk's master boot record and begins
          in sector 2
        - some of this information may vary with some variants of DOS 3.2
          and DOS 3.3 that use their own sectoring scheme for large disks

        - see  INT 21,32  Disk Partition Table

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