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   [  Usage  ]

   In brief form, the syntax is:   NGX /? | /R | /I | /U  [/M]

   NGX /? displays a brief help text.

   NGX /R runs NGX as a normal program (non-resident).

   NGX /I installs NGX as memory-resident (TSR). TSRs are best loaded from
          the autoexec.bat file. Don't run NGX with the /I switch from in-
          side another program (for example, when calling DOS from Lotus
          1-2-3 or a word processor) unless you know what you're doing.

          The default hotkey is Ctrl-1. NGX can be loaded high if your
          system supports it (use DOS's LH command).

   NGX /U will remove a resident copy of NGX from memory (uninstall).

   The /M is optional and combines with /R or /I to set mono screen attri-
   butes, for example:


   NGX will run without the configuration file (NGX.INI) if it can't find
   it in the directory NGX.COM resides in. If your NG database files are
   not located in the C:\NG directory, you'll need to specify where to find
   them: start an editor and edit the .INI file:

          NGdir = c:\nguides            ;or whatever

   NGX will exit with an errorlevel of 0, 1, or 2:

       0 : normal termination
       1 : not enough memory, error on command line, /R switch not useable
           in current video mode, uninstall failed, reinstall not allowed,
           or too many errors in the .ini file.
       2 : the NGX.COM file has been modified

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