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X-Hacker.org- Nanforum Toolkit v2.1 Reference Guide - <b>ft_tempfil()</b>
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Create a file with a unique name
FT_TEMPFIL( [ <cPath> ] [, <lHide> ] ) -> cFileSpec
<cPath> is the directory where you want to create the temporary
file. If you omit this argument, the root of the current drive
is assumed ("\").
If <lHide> is .T., then the file will be created with the hidden
attribute set. The default is .F.
<cFileSpec> should be your path, including the name of the newly
created unique file. Use this with FOPEN(), etc.
If a DOS error occurred when trying to create the file, a
null string will be returned.
This function uses DOS Interrupt 21, service 5Ah (Create temporary
file) to create a unique filename in a directory you specify.
There will be no extension. After the file is created, you may
then fopen() it and do any i/o you need (see the test driver
in the source code).
This function requires FT_INT86().
Create a unique file in the root of the current drive:
myFile := FT_TEMPFIL()
Create a unique file in the current directory and hide it:
myFile := FT_TEMPFIL(".\", .t.)
Create a unique file on another drive, but do not hide it:
myFile := FT_TEMPFIL("e:\nanfor\src\")
Author: Glenn Scott
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