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 Write a byte to a specified memory location


      FT_POKE( <nSegment>, <nOffset>, <nValue> ) -> lResult


     <nSegment> is the segment of the desired memory address.

     <nOffset>  is the offset of the desired memory address.

     <nValue>   is the value to write to the desired memory address.


     <lResult> will be .T. if all parameters were valid and the function was
               able to write the desired byte.
     <lResult> will be .F. if invalid parameters were passed.


     Use this function if you have a need to change the value at a specific
     memory location.  The function will write the specified byte to the
     specified address.  The value must be passed as a numeric; if the byte
     you wish to use is stored as a character, use the Asc() function
     to convert it.

     This function was written for version 5.1 of MicroSoft C.  You may
     have to modify the source code to use another compiler.


     FT_POKE( 0, 1047, 64)  // Turn CapsLock on

 Source: POKE.C

 Author: Ted Means

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